Welcome to CIPHER

Center(s) for Insight into Philosophic Health, Education, and Renewal

CIPHER is an organization originally developed in response to issues raised at the Third International Conference for Philosophical Practice, held in New York in July of 1997, and devoted to the promotion of philosophy as a mode of practice. Throughout the world philosophers from a wide variety of backgrounds, both inside and outside of academia, are coming to a new and deeper appreciation of the extent to which philosophy is not primarily a set of theories to be proved, but a set of practices to be lived.

My initial idea was to construct an interactive web site, with links to a diverse group of philosophers and philosophical organizations around the world, who would be united here by their common commitment to practicing philosophy. However, the person assisting me in that major project turned to other pursuits, and so did I. The following year, I purchased a ten acre property in the forest of Mendocino County (northern California) and since then CIPHER has been focused on running philosophical retreats on that property. A photo tour of the retreat center is now available on this web site. The retreats organized so far, with dates and texts, are as follows (click on the links to see summaries):

    January 7-11, 2001: Understanding Nietzsche -- Halfway (Nietzsche's Thus Spake Zarathustra)
    December 8, 2001: Perpetuating Peace in the Face of Terror (Kant's Perpetual Peace); no online summary
    June 28 - July 1, 2002: Why Do We Work? (Hannah Arendt's The Human Condition)
    July 14-17, 2002: Rethinking Kant's Philosophy of Religion (First Part of Kant's Conflict of the Faculties)
    June 23-26, 2003: Teaching Kant Creatively (no text specified; each participant to work on individual research)

If this is your first visit to CIPHER, then you should begin by reading the introductory information provided in item I, below. Unfortunately, after designing an online Registration form (item III), I have not kept up with this aspect of the project. So there is no list of registered members at present. (That is, item II is a dead link.) If, after reading the information in item I, you are interested in joining a web-based community of this sort, do feel free to fill out the registration form. It does work. I will store the responses until I have enough time and energy to put them together and link them to a list, which will then become item II. (But please be patient!) Selecting item IV will take you to a (now rather outdated) list of information and links relating to philosophical practice.

I. Links for first time visitors

¬…  General introduction

¬…  What is a "cipher"?

¬…  Why CIPHER?

¬…  Activities supported by CIPHER

II. List of philosophers registered with CIPHER

(under construction)

III. CIPHER registration form

(active, but submissions may not be processed immediately)

IV. Other information and links of interest to philosophical practitioners

Send comments to Steve Palmquist.

Return to Steve Palmquist's home page.

This page was last updated on 8 June 2003.