Kant on the Web

Translations into other languages

The following is a list of the works written by Immanuel Kant that are available on the internet. Those who find it inconvenient to use them in this form may wish to use the online order form to purchase the Kant98 CD; it contains not only most of these etexts, but also a number of valuable reference tools. This page is divided into four sections:

I. English translations of primary systematic works

II. English translations of secondary writings

III. Translations of Kant's writings into other languages

I. English translations of primary systematic works

Most of the etexts in this section were originally prepared for and located on the Philosophy page of The English Server at Carnegie Mellon University, which has now moved to Iowa State University. However, they are now available on numerous other web sites as well, as indicated below. One of the most convenient ways to read them is to download them to your hard disk, which can be done free of charge (by users at registered institutions) from the NetLibrary. For an explanation of the systematic divisions used here, see Chapter III of Stephen Palmquist's book, Kant's System of Perspectives.

A. Kant's Theoretical System

1. The synthetic construction: Critique of Pure Reason (1781/1787)

·     J.M.D. Meiklejohn's translation: English Server; Digital Text Projects at Columbia University; Factasia, The Alex Catalogue: text. University of Adelaide's etext library (html) (download), Marxists internet archive, Wikisource, Gutenberg.

·     Norman Kemp Smith's translation (1929): Steve Palmquist's web site; an online search engine for this text is also available (prepared by T.W. Kwan and C.F. Lau).

·     Friedrich Max Müller's translation (1922): Liberty Fund

·     An excerpt of Critique of Pure Reason, as part of the Internet Modern History Sourcebook

·     Michael Scarpitti's translation of the Preface A, Preface B, and Introduction (all in PDF format). (1990)

2. The analytic explication: Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics (1783)

·     P. Carus's translation (1902): Wikisource,  English Server, spelling has been Americanized and a few of Lewis White Beck's conventions has been made; Full html etext with modernized spelling and the combined revisions of James W. Ellington, (1977) and James Fieser, 1997, The Alex Catalogue: text.

·     Ernest Belfort Bax’s translation (1891): Liberty Fund

3. The metaphysical application: Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science (1786)

·     "Preface" from the website of Dr. Shane Drefcinski.

·     Wikisource (preface)

B. Kant's Practical System

1. The synthetic construction: Critique of Practical Reason (1788)

·     T.K. Abbott's translation: English Server, The Alex Catalogue: text, Wikisource.

·     J. W. Semple's translation of “Inquiry Into the À Priori Operations of the Will( Extracted From the Critique of Practical Reason) (1886).

2. The analytic explication: Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals (1785)

·     T.K. Abbott's translation (1889): English Server, The Alex Catalogue: text, University of Adelaide's etext library (html) (download), Liberty Fund, Wikisource

·     J. W. Semple's translation as Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Ethics (1886): Liberty Fund

3. The metaphysical application: Metaphysics of Morals (1797)

·     W. Hastie's translation of (1887)

·     J. W. Semple's translation of the introduction of Part one as The Metaphysical Elements of Jurisprudence (1886).

·     J. W. Semple's translation of Part Two as Metaphysical of Ethics (1886).

·     T.K. Abbott's translation of the Preface and Introduction to Part Two as Metaphysical Elements of Ethics (1889): English Server, The Alex Catalogue: text. University of Adelaide's etext library (html) (download), Liberty Fund, Marxists internet archive (part 1), Marxists internet archive (part 2).

C. Kant's Judicial System

1. The synthetic construction: Critique of Judgment (1790)

·     J.C. Meredith's translation: English Server, The Alex Catalogue: text, and concordance. University of Adelaide's etext library (html) (download).

·     J.H. Bernard's translation (1914): Liberty Fund

2. The analytic explication: Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone (1793)

·     T.H. Greene & H.H. Hudson's translation (1960): Steve Palmquist's web site; an online search engine for this text is also available (prepared by T.W. Kwan and C.F. Lau).

·     T.K. Abbott's translation of Book I (1889): Liberty Fund

3. The metaphysical application: Opus Postumum (1798-1804, unfinished) (Not yet available online.)


II. English translations of secondary writings

The following writings are arranged in chronological order.

1755: Universal Natural History and Theory of Heaven: A new (1998) English translation by Ian Johnston, based on Georg Reimer's (1905) German edition of Kant's Allgemeine Naturgeschichte.


1756: History and Physiography of the Most Remarkable Cases of the Earthquake which towards the End of the year 1755 Shook a Great Part of the Earth: John Richardson's (anonymous) translation, edited by Stephen Palmquist in Four Neglected Essays by Immanuel Kant; a printed copy of this book can be purchased using the online order form on this web site.

1764: Remarks on the Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime: Matt Cooley and Patrick Frierson’s translation (2005).


1766: Dreams of a Visionary Explained by Dreams of Metaphysics:

·        Emmanuel F. Goerwitz’s translation as Dreams of a Spirit-Seer: Wikisource

·        Translator unknown - From the site of the Princeton Society for Intercultural Comparative studies (an 88K pdf file) (Chapter Four of Part One and Chapter Three of Part Two)


1770: Inaugural Dissertation (De mundi sensibilis atque intelligibilis forma et principiis):  William J. Eckoff’s Translation:  Wikisource


1784: Idea for a Universal History from a Cosmopolitan Point of View:

·     Lewis White Beck’s translation (1963): Marxists internet archive, Wikisource

·     W. Hastie's translation as The Natural Principle of the Political Order Considered In Connection With the Idea of a Universal Cosmopolitical History (1891): Liberty Fund

·     Thomas de Quincey:  Wikisource,  Google Books


1784: What is Enlightenment?

·     Translator unknown: English Server; Lawrence M. Hinman's copy; Modern History Sourcebook. See also Michael Gamer's Revised version.

·      Mary J. Gregor’s translation: Marxists internet archive


1785: On the Volcanos in the Moon: John Richardson's (anonymous) translation, edited by Stephen Palmquist in Four Neglected Essays by Immanuel Kant; a printed copy of this book can be purchased using the online order form on this web site.

1785: Of the Injustice of Counterfeiting Books: John Richardson's (anonymous) translation, edited by Stephen Palmquist in Four Neglected Essays by Immanuel Kant; a printed copy of this book can be purchased using the online order form on this web site.

1793: The Saying: That a Thing May Be Right In Theory, but May Not Hold for Practice:  W. Hastie's translation of Part II and Part III of the essay (1891).


1794: Something on the Influence of the Moon on the Weather Condition: John Richardson's (anonymous) translation, edited by Stephen Palmquist in Four Neglected Essays by Immanuel Kant; a printed copy of this book can be purchased using the online order form on this web site.

1795: Perpetual Peace:

·     Etext prepared by Vincent Ferraro.

·     Mary Campbell Smith’s translation (1917):  Liberty Fund

·     William Hastie’s translation (1891): Liberty Fund, Wikisource


1800: Logic:  Archive


1803: On Education: Annette Churton’s translation: Sophia Project; Liberty Fund

III. Translations of Kant's writings into other languages


纯粹理性批 (蓝公武译)



1. Critique de la raison pure: Traduction de Jules Barni (1869); Préface de la secode édition (PDF)

2. Qu'est-ce que les Lumières ? (1784): Traduction de Piobetta

3. La religion dans les limites de la simple raison (1794): Traduction de A. Tremesaygues (1913): Wikisource

4. Traité de pédagogie: Traduction de Jules Barni (rtf download)

5. Fondements de la Metaphysique des Moeurs: Traduction de Victor Delbos

6. Idée d'une histoire universelle au point de vue cosmopolitique: Traduction Philippe Folliot

7. Anthropologie d’un point de vue pragmatique: Wikisource (traduction par J. Tissot)



1. Risposta alla domanda: che cos'è l'illuminismo? (1783): Traduzione del Francesca Di Donato

2. Sul detto comune: “questo può essere giusto in teoria, ma non vale per la pratica (2005): Traduzione della Maria Chiara Pievatolo

3. Per la pace perpetua: Traduzione della Maria Chiara Pievatolo



1. Crítica de la razón pura (1781/1787) (download Word file).

2. Deducción Trascendental de los Conceptos Puros del Entendimiento (Segunda edición, B 129 - B 169) (Pdf file on this web site) Presentación y Traducción de Gonzalo Serrano, from Ideas y Valores pp. 73-102; gonserrano@cable.net.co.

3. Crítica del juicio seguida de las observaciones sobre el asentimiento de Lo bello y lo sublime / por Manuel Kant ; traducción por Alejo García Moreno y Juan Rovira. from the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes (html).

4. Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres / M. Kant; [traducción del alemán por Manuel García Morente]. from the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes (html).

5. Lo bello y lo sublime : ensayo de est(c)tica y moral / M. Kant ; la traducción del alemán ha sido hecha por A. Sánchez Rivero. from the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes (html).

6. Lógica / de Kant; [traducida al franc(c)s] por J. Tissot ; traducida [al castellano] por Alejo García Moreno y Juan Ruvira. from the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes (html); (download Word file)

7. La paz perpetua /  traducción de F. .Rivera Pastor (html).

8. Prolegómenos a toda metafísica del porvenir que haya de poder presentarse como una ciencia / Immanuel Kant ; traducido del alemán y prólogo Julián Besteiro ; con un epílogo de Cassier. from the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes (html).

8. Sobre educación / Kant, Pestalozzi y Goethe ; composición y traducción de Lorenzo Luzuriaga. from the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes (html).




Kant resources on other web sites

Translations into other languages http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/~ppp/img/cross.gif German originals of Kant’s writings
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