By Stephen Palmquist (



      The following is a list of all the publications referred to in this book. The abbreviation corresponding to each work is specified to the left of each entry. All references to translated works cite the pagination of the English version used, with the following exceptions: references to A1, A2, and P7 cite the traditional pagination of the Greek text, followed in curved brackets by the page number(s) in the translation; references to K1 cite the pagina­tion of the second (1787) German edition; and references to K2-K4 cite the pagination of the Berlin Academy edition of Kant's works, followed in the case of K3 by the English pagination in curved brackets. Appended to this list is a further list of 41 other books on theocracy, not referred to in the present book (because of either their inapplicability or their unavailability).


A1:    Aristotle, Politics, tr. C. Lord (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984).

A2:    Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, tr. J.A.K. Thomson in The Ethics of Aristotle (Harmonds­worth: Penguin Books, 1955).

A3:    David Atkinson, Peace In Our Time: Some Biblical Groundwork (Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1985).

A4:    Saint Augustine, Confessions, tr. E.B. Pusey (New York: Dutton, 1907).

B1:    Purnell H. Benson, "Model for Jesus' Teachings About Altruistic Living in Relation to Personal Well-Being", in Journal of Psychology and Christianity 9.1 (Spring 1990), pp.56-69.

B2:    Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship,2 tr. R.H. Fuller (New York: Macmillan, 1959[1949]).

B3:    Jakob Burckhardt, Reflections on History, tr. M.D.H. (London: Allen & Unwin, 1943).

C1:    Mitchell Cohen, "Pluralism and Theocrats: The Conflict Between Re­li­gion and State in Israel", Cities of God: Faith, Politics and Pluralism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, ed. N. Biggar, J.S. Scott, and W. Schweiker (New York: Greenwood Press, 1986), pp.35-54.

D1:    Benjamin Davidson, The Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1970).

D2:    Peter Davies (ed.), American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (New York: Dell, 1970).

D3:    Edward Dobson, "The Bible, Politics, and Democracy", The Bible, Politics, and Democracy, ed. Richard John Neuhaus (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987), pp.1-18.

E1:    Eller, Vernard, Christian Anarchy: Jesus' Primacy over the Powers (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987).

E2:    Jacques Ellul, The Theological Foundation of Law, tr. M. Wieser (London, SCM Press, 1960).

E3:    ---, The Presence of the Kingdom, tr. O. Wyon (New York: Seabury Press, 1967).

E4:    ---, Anarchy and Christianity, tr. G.W. Bromiley (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1991.

E5:    Margaret H. Eron Brown, The One Whom the Lord Has Chosen: Monarchy in Theocracy, 1 Samuel 8:1-16:13 (Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1986).

F1:    John Fiske, The Beginnings of New England or The Puritan Theoc­ra­cy in its Relations to Civil and Religious Liberty (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1930[1889]).

F2:    Joseph Lapsley Foreman, Shattering the Darkness (Montreat, N.C.: Cooling Spring Press, 1992).

H1:    John Hick, Philosophy of Religion3 (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1983).

H2:    Barry Holden, The Nature of Democracy (London: Nelson, 1974).

H3:   Albert Hyma, Christianity and Politics: A History of the Principles and Struggles of Church and State (New York: Lippincott, 1938).

J1:     Timothy P. Jackson, "To Bedlam and Part Way Back: John Rawls and Christian Justice", Faith and Philosophy 8.4 (1991), pp.423-447.

J2:     Julian Jaynes, The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind2(Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990[1976]).

K1:    Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, tr. N. Kemp Smith (London: Macmillan, 1929).

K2:    ---, Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, tr. L.W. Beck (New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1950).

K3:    ---, Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone, tr. T.M. Greene and H.H. Hudson (New York: Harper & Row, 1960).

K4:    ---, Perpetual Peace, tr. L.W. Beck in On History (New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1963).

K5:    Erazim Koh­k, The Embers and the Stars (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984).

L1:    William R. LaFleur, "Contestation and Consensus: The Morality of Abortion in Japan", Philosophy East & West 40.4 (October 1990), pp.529-542.

L2:    Peter Laslett, "Social Contract", Encylopedia of Philosophy, ed. P. Edwards (New York: Macmillan, 1967), vol. 7, pp.465-467.

L3:    H.G. Liddell and R. Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon Based on the German Work of Frances Passow (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1850).

L4:    Carnes Lord, "Introduction", in A1:1-24.

M1:   Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince, tr. G. Bull (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1961).

M2:   Jacques Maritain, Christianity and Democracy, tr. Doris C. Anson (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1986), pp.1-84.

M3:   ---, The Rights of Man, tr. Doris C. Anson (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1986), pp.85-189.

M4:   Martin E. Marty, "The Protestant Principle: Between Theocracy and Propheticism", Cities of God: Faith, Politics and Pluralism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, ed. N. Biggar, J.S. Scott, and W. Schweiker (New York: Greenwood Press, 1986), pp.101-117.

M5:   Peter Mayhew, A Theology of Force and Violence (London: SCM Press, 1989).

M6:   Thomas Merton, The Literary Essays, ed. P. Hart (New York: New Directions, 1981).

M7:   Jürgen Moltmann, "The Cross and Civil Religion", tr. T. Hughson and P. Rigby, Religion and Political Society, ed. The Institute of Christian Thought (New York: Harper, 1974).

N1:    Richard John Neuhaus, The Naked Public Square2 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1986[1984]).

N2:    Reinhold Niebuhr, The Children of Light and the Children of Dark­ness (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1960[1944]).

N3:    ---, Moral Man and Immoral Society: A Study in Ethics and Politics (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1960[1932]).

N4:    Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for Everyone and No One, tr. R.J. Hollingdale (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961).

N5:    ---, The Birth of Tragedy, tr. F. Golffing (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1956).

N6:    ---, The Gay Science, tr. W. Kaufmann (New York: Vintage Books, 1974) .

P1:    Stephen Palmquist, "Knowledge and Experience-An Examination of the Four Reflective 'Perspec­tives' in Kant's Critical Philosophy", Kant-Studien 78.2 (1987), pp.170-200.

P2:    ---, "Four Perspectives on Moral Judgment: The Rational Prin­ciples of Jesus and Kant", The Heythrop Journal 32.2 (April 1991), pp.216-232.

P3:    ---, "Analysis and Synthesis in the Geometry of Logic", Indian Philosophical Quarterly 19.1 (January 1992), pp.1-14.

P4:    ---, "Does Kant Reduce Religion to Morality?", Kant-Studien 83.2 (1992), pp.129-148.

P5:    ---, Kant's System of Perspectives (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1992).

P6:    Norman Perrin, Jesus and the Language of the Kingdom (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1976).

P7:    Plato, Apology, in The Collected Dialogues of Plato, ed. E. Hamilton and H. Cairns (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1961).

P8:    Otto Plöger, Theocracy and Eschatology, tr. S. Rudman (Oxford: Blackwell, 1968).

P9:    Louis P. Pojman, Faith and Philosophy 8.4 (1991), pp.481-504.

R1:    Gilbert Ryle, The Concept of Mind (London: Hutchinson, 1949).

S1:    John A. Sanford, The Kingdom Within (New York: Lippincott, 1970).

S2:    Ronald J. Sider, "An Evangelical Vision for American Democracy: An Anabaptist Perspective", The Bible, Politics, and Democracy, ed. Richard John Neuhaus (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987), pp.32-54.

S3:    ---, Non-Violence: The Invincible Weapon? (Dallas: Word, 1989).

S4:    James W. Skillen, "Christians in the Public Square: What Philosophy Should Guide?", Equipping the Saints 3.2 (Spring 1989).

S5:    Reginald Stackhouse, Christianity and Politics (London: English Universities Press, 1966).

S6:    William Stringfellow, Conscience & Obedience (Waco, Texas: Word Books, 1977).

S7:    Samuel Enoch Stumpf, A Democratic Manifesto: The Impact of Dynamic Christian­ity Upon Public Life and Government (Nashville: Vanderbilt Univer­si­ty Press, 1954).

T1:    Randall A. Terry, Operation Rescue (Springdale, PA.: Whitaker House, 1988).

T2:    Paul Tillich, Systematic Theology, vol. 3(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963).

T3:    ---, Political Expectation, ed. J.L. Adams (New York: University Press of America, 1971).

T4:    Glenn Tinder, The Political Meaning of Christianity: The Prophetic Stance-An Interpretation (San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1991 [1989]).

T5:    Paul Tournier, A Place For You: Psychology and Religion, tr. E. Hudson (London: SCM Press, 1968).

W1:   Gershon Weiler, Jewish Theocracy (Leiden: Brill, 1988).

W2:   Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, tr. D.F. Pears and B.F. McGuinness (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1961).

W3:   Richard Wurmbrand, Tortured For Christ4 (Middlebury, Indiana: Living Sacrifice Books, 1985[1969]).

Y1:    John Howard Yoder, The Politics of Jesus (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1972).




Supplement: Other Books on "Theocracy"



Jewish/Biblical (9)

Arenhoevel, Diego, Die Theokratie nach dem 1. und 2. Makkabaerbuch (Mainz: Matthias-Grunewald, 1967).

Bradbury, Thomas, Theocracy: The Government of the Judges, Consider'd and Applied to the Revolution, 1688. In a Sermon November 5, 1711 by Thomas Bradbury (London: N. Cliff and D. Jackson, 1712).

Cambra, Walter C., Exodus: From Slavery to Barbarism: Consolidation of a Theocratic Oligarchy (Berkeley: 1984).

Georgi, Dieter, Theocracy in Paul's Praxis and Theology, tr. D.E. Green (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1991).

Is the System of Slavery Sanctioned or Condemned by Scripture?: To which is Sub­joined an Appendix, Containing Two Essays upon the State of the Canaanite and Philistine Bondsmen, under the Jewish Theocracy (London: J. Moyes, 1824).

MacLaurin, E.C.B., The Hebrew Theocracy in the Tenth to the Sixth Centuries B.C.; An Analysis of the Books of Judges, Samuel, and Kings (Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1959).

Skinner, William, Jehovah Unveiled, or The Character of the Jewish Deity Delineated, with Strictures on the Lives of Hebrew Saints, and Remarks on the Theocracy (London: T. Jones, c.1799).

Sykes, Arthur Ashley, An Examination of Mr. Warburton's Account of the Conduct of the Ancient Legislators, of the Double Doctrine of the Old Philosophers, of the Theocracy of the Jews, and of Sir Isaac Newton's Chronology (London: J. and P. Knapton, 1744).

Tamarin, Georges R., Forms and Foundations of Israeli Theocracy (Tel-Aviv: Shikpul Press, 1968).


Protestant/Sectarian (10)

Beadle, John Hanson, Polygamy or The Mysteries and Crimes of Mormonism: Being a Full and Authentic History of this Strange Sect from its Origins to the Present Time: With a Complete Analysis of Mormon Society and Theocracy... (Philadelphia: National, 1882).

Boreman, Jacob Smith, Crusade Against Theocracy: The Reminiscences of Judge Jacob Smith Boreman of Utah, 1872-1877, ed. L.J. Arrington (San Marino, Calif.: 1960).

Gregory, J., Puritanism in the Old World and in the New, from its Inception in the Reign of Elizabeth to the Establishment of the Puritan Theocracy in New England: A Historical Handbook (New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1896).

Nobbs, Douglas, Theocracy and Toleration; A Study of the Disputes in Dutch Calvinism from 1600 to 1650 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1938).

Oliver, George, The Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry, in Twelve Lectures, on its Speculative, Operative, and Spurious Branches (New York: Leonard, 1855).

Pierce, David N. Theocracy to Democracy, Some Transitions of Government in Territo­rial Utah (Dugway, Utah: Pioneer Press, 1969).

Theocratic Aid to Kingdom Publishers (Brooklyn: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 1945).

Uhden, Hermann Ferdinand, The New England Theocracy: A History of the Congrega­tionalists in New England to the Revivals of 1740, tr. H.C. Conant (Boston: Gould and Lincoln, 1859).

Utah Statehood. Reasons Why it Should Not be Granted. Will the American People Surrender the Territory to an Unscrupulous and Polygamous Theocracy? ... (Salt Lake City: Tribune Print, 1887).

Walton, Robert Cutler, Zwingli's Theocracy (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1967).


Islamic (4)

Amjad, Mohammed,  Iran: From Royal Dictatorship to Theocracy (New York: Green­wood Press, 1989).

Kamrava, Mehran, The Political History of Modern Iran: From Tribalism to Theocracy (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1992).

Siddiqi, Abdul Hameed, Theocracy and the Islamic State (Lahore: Islamic Book Centre, 1976).

Siddiqi, Mazheruddin, Islam and the Theocracy (Lahore: Institute of Islamic Culture, 1953).


Miscellaneous Conceptual/Historical Studies (18)

Barrett, Stanley R., The Rise and Fall of an African Utopia: A Wealthy Theocracy in Comparative Perspective (Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1977).

Cavanagh, Agnes Bernard, Pope Gregory VII and the Theocratic State (Washington D.C.: dissertation for The Catholic University of America, 1934).

Eliot, John, The Christian Commonwealth, or The Civil Policy of the Ris­ing Kingdom of Jesus Christ (London: Livewell Chapman, 1659).

Falchi, Antonio, Le Moderne Dottrine Teocratiche (1600-1850) (Torino: Fratelli Bocca, 1908).

Grossmith, John, Government on First Principles, Probed and Illustrated Analogically (London: Piper, Stepenson, & Spence, 1860).

Janssen,Geert,OmdeTheocratie.HonderdJaarvanStrijdomdeVerwerkelijkingenVorm­geving van de Theocratische Gedachte (Amsterdam: Buijten & Schipperheijn, 1972).

Johnston, R.M., The Roman Theocracy and the Republic, 1846-1849 (New York: Macmillan, 1901).

Mathew, Varghese Kujanil, Ancient Theocracy (Bombay: Logos Publications, 1969).

Petersen, Arnold, Theocracy or Democracy? (New York: Labor News, 1944).

Prutz, Hans, The Age of Feudalism and Theocracy, tr. J.H. Wright (New York: Lea Brothers, 1905).

Rapp, Sandy, God's Country: A Case Against Theocracy (New York: Harrington Park Press, 1991).

Rasker, Albert J., Christelijke Politiek, Gesprek over de Theocratie (Nijkerk: G.F. Callenbach, 194-).

Runciman, Steven, The Byzantine Theocracy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977).

Schomberg, John Duff, The Theocratic Philosophy of English History: Being an At­tempt to Impress upon History its True Genius and Real Character; and to Present it, Not as a Disjointed Series of Facts, but as One Grand Whole (London: Whittaker, 1842).

Taubes, Jacob (ed.), Theokratie (Munchen: W. Fink, 1987).

Terenzoni, Angelo,  L'Ideale Teocratico Dantesco (Genova: Alkaest, 1979).

Thomasson, Adam Peter, On the Road to Theocracy; Divine Government (Chicago: Christ Brotherhood, 1924).

Timoteo, Teocracismo; A Terceira Ideia (Rio de Janeiro: Freitas Bastos, 1968).








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