The main part of this Bibliography lists every book or essay written 
by Immanuel Kant, in the order presented in the standard Akademie (Ak.) 
edition of Kant's works. Each entry has two parts. The first specifies the 
year, the Ak. page number(s), and the German title of work. The second 
gives its English title, followed by a chronological listing of all known 
English translators and the year of the original publication. Where more than 
one translation is listed, an asterisk (*) marks the 'standard' translation, 
from which the English title is taken; this is not necessarily the best 
translation available, though it usually is. There follows either a letter-
number abbreviation (for books translating two or more of Kant's works) 
or the English book's city and publisher, along with the page number(s), 
where relevant. The title of the English publication is specified here only 
when it is not based on the actual German title of the work in question, as 
when a translated essay appears as an appendix to another book. The 
abbreviations refer to the books listed in the 'Collections of English 
Translations' section, found on pp.116-18, below. Following that list is an 
inevitably incomplete list of some 'Collections Containing Reprints Only' 
(mostly extracts), none of which are referred to in the main section of this 
Bibliography. Short extracts of any given work (as e.g. in R1) are listed 
only if that work has not been translated in full elsewhere.

Kant's Writings

Volume I

1747, pp.1-181: Gedanken von der wahren SchŠtzung der lebendigen 
KrŠfte und Beurtheilung der Beweise, deren sich Herr von Leibniz und 
andere Mechaniker in dieser Streitsache bedient haben, nebst einigen 
vorhergehenden Betrachtungen, welche die Kraft der Kšrper Ÿberhaupt 
Thoughts on the True Estimation of Living Forces.
	 *Norman Kemp Smith, 1929, short extracts in H1:1-15.
	Gabriele Rabel, 1963, short extracts in R1:1-8.

1754, pp.183-91: Untersuchung der Frage, ob die Erde in ihrer Umdrehung 
um die Achse, wodurch sie die Abwechselung des Tages und der Nacht 
hervorbringt, einige VerŠnderung seit den ersten Zeiten ihres Ursprungs 
erlitten habe und woraus man sich ihrer versichern kšnne, welche von der 
Kšnigl. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin zum Preise fŸr das 
jetztlaufende Jahr aufgegeben worden.
Whether the Earth Has Undergone an Alteration of its Axial Rotation.
	William Hastie, 1900, in H3:157-65.

1754, pp.193-213: Die Frage, ob die Erde veralte, physikalisch erwogen.
The Question: 'Whether the Earth Grows Old?': considered physically.
	Gabriele Rabel, 1963, short extracts in R1:11-12.

1755, pp.215-368: Allgemeine Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels 
oder Versuch von der Verfassung und dem mechanischen Ursprunge des 
ganzen WeltgebŠudes, nach Newtonischen GrundsŠtzen abgehandelt.
Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens.
	William Hastie, 1900, in H3:1-155 (incomplete).
	 *Stanley L. Jaki, 1981 (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press).

1755, pp.369-84: Meditationum quarundam de igne succincta delineatio.
Succinct Exposition of Some Meditations on Fire.
	Lewis White Beck, 1986, in B5:23-44.

1755, pp.385-416: Principiorum primorum cognitionis metaphysicae nova 
A New Elucidation of the First Principles of Metaphysical Cognition.
	Frederick Ernest England, 1929, in Kant's Conception of God 
(London: Allen & Unwin), pp.211-52; reprinted 1968 (New York: 
	J.A. Reuscher, 1986, in B5:57-106.
 	*David E. Walford with Ralf Meerbote, 1992, in W1:1-45.

1756, pp.417-27: Von den Ursachen der ErderschŸtterungen bei 
Gelegenheit des UnglŸcks, welches die westliche LŠnder von Europa gegen 
das Ende des vorigen Jahres betroffen hat.
On the Causes of Earthquakes: On the occasion of the Calamity which hit 
the Western Lands of Europe towards the end of last year.
	Gabriele Rabel, 1963, short extracts in R1:27-28.

1756, pp.429-61: Geschichte und Naturbeschreibung der merkwŸrdigsten 
VorfŠlle des Erdbebens, welches an dem Ende des 1755sten Jahres einen 
gro§en Theil der Erde erschŸttert hat.
History and Physiography of the Most Remarkable Cases of the Earthquake 
which towards the End of the year 1755 Shook a Great Part of the Earth.
	Anonymous (John Richardson), 1799, in R2:II.93-142.
	 *Stephen Richard Palmquist (revising Richardson), 1994, in P1:2-

1756, pp.463-72: Fortgesetzte Betrachtung der seit einiger Zeit 
wahrgenommenen ErderschŸtterungen.
Continued Observations.
	Gabriele Rabel, 1963, short extracts in R1:30.

1756, pp.473-87: Metaphysicae cum geometria iunctae usus in philosophia 
naturali, cuius specimen I. continet monadologiam physicam.
The Employment in Natural Philosophy of Metaphysics Combined with 
Geometry, of which Sample I Contains the Physical Monadology.
	Lewis White Beck, 1986, in B5:115-32.
 	*David E. Walford with Ralf Meerbote, 1992, in W1:47-66.

1756, pp.489-503: Neue Anmerkungen zur ErlŠuterung der Theorie der 
Magister Immanuel Kant's New Remarks Offering an Explanation of the 
Theory of the Winds: by which he invites to his lectures.
	Gabriele Rabel, 1963, short extracts in R1:33-34.

Volume II

1757, pp.1-12: Entwurf und AnkŸndigung eines Collegii der physischen 
Geographie nebst dem Anhange einer kurzen Betrachtung Ÿber die Frage: 
Ob die Westwinde in unsern Gegenden darum feucht seien, weil sie Ÿber 
ein gro§es Meer streichen.
Outline of a Course of Lectures in Physical Geography: to which is 
appended a brief contemplation of the question, whether the West Winds in 
our Region are humid because they pass over a large Sea.
	Gabriele Rabel, 1963, short extracts in R1:35-36.

1758, pp.13-25: Neuer Lehrbegriff der Bewegung und Ruhe und der damit 
verknŸpften Folgerungen in den ersten GrŸnden der Naturwissenschaft.
Magister Immanuel Kant's New Doctrine of Motion and Rest: and of the 
consequences attached to it in the first Principles of Natural Science....
	Gabriele Rabel, 1963, short extracts in R1:37-39.

1759, pp.27-35: Versuch einiger Betrachtungen Ÿber den Optimismus.
An Attempt at Some Reflections on Optimism.
	David E. Walford with Ralf Meerbote, 1992, in W1:67-83.

1762, pp.45-61: Die falsche Spitzfindigkeit der vier syllogistischen Figuren 
The False Subtlety of the Four Syllogistic Figures.
	Anonymous (John Richardson), 1798, in R2:I.135-57.
	Thomas Kingsmill Abbott, 1885, in A2:79-95.
 	*David E. Walford with Ralf Meerbote, 1992, in W1:85-105.

1763, pp.63-163: Der einzig mšgliche Beweisgrund zu einer Demonstration 
des Daseins Gottes.
The Only Possible Argument in Support of a Demonstration of the 
Existence of God.
	Anonymous (John Richardson), 1799, in R2:II.217-366.
	Gordon Treash, 1979 (New York: Abaris Books).
 	*David E. Walford with Ralf Meerbote, 1992, in W1:107-201.

1763, pp.165-204: Versuch den Begriff der negativen Grš§en in die 
Weltweisheit einzufŸhren.
Attempt to Introduce the Concept of Negative Magnitudes into Philosophy.
	David Irvine, 1911, in I1:117-56.
	 *David E. Walford with Ralf Meerbote, 1992, in W1:203-41.

1764, pp.205-56: Beobachtungen Ÿber das GefŸhl des Schšnen und 
Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime.
	Anonymous (John Richardson), 1799, in R2:II.1-78.
	*John Turner Goldthwait, 1960 (Berkeley: University of California 
Press); revised from 1957 dissertation, Kant's Pre-Critical Esthetic 
(Northwestern University).

1764, pp.257-71: Versuch Ÿber die Krankheiten des Kopfes.
On the Diseases of the Mind.
John Sinclair, 1807, in The Code of Health and Longevity (Edinburgh: A. 
Constible); numerous reprints and revisions.
	Gabriele Rabel, 1963, short extracts in R1:60. 
 	*John Manolesco, 1969, extracts in his translation of Kant's Dreams 
of a Spirit-Seer (New York: Vantage Press), pp.162-68.

1764, pp.273-301: Untersuchung Ÿber die Deutlichkeit der GrundsŠtze der 
natŸrlichen Theologie und der Moral.
Inquiry concerning the Distinctness of the Principles of Natural Theology 
and Morality.
	Anonymous (John Richardson), 1798, in R2:I.339-83.
	Emery Winfield Balduf, 1926, in Kant's Prize Essay on Natural 
Theology and Morals (Chicago: University of Chicago Dissertation).
	Lewis White Beck, 1949, in B2:261-85; revised 1988, in B6:29-47.
	G.B. Kerferd and David E. Walford, 1968, in K1:3-35.
 	*David E. Walford with Ralf Meerbote, 1992, in W1:243-86.

1765, pp.303-13: Nachricht von der Einrichtung seiner Vorlesungen in dem 
Winterhalbenjahre von 1765-1766.
M. Immanuel Kant's Announcement of the Programme of his Lectures for 
the Winter Semester 1765-1766.
	Edward Franklin Buchner, 1904, in B8:256-57, 263-67 
	*David E. Walford with Ralf Meerbote, 1992, in W1:287-300.

1766, pp.315-73: TrŠume eines Geistersehers, erlŠutert durch TrŠume der 
Dreams of a Spirit-Seer Elucidated by Dreams of Metaphysics.
Emmanuel F. Goerwitz, 1900 (London/New York: Swan 
Sonnenschein/Macmillan), ed. Frank Sewall. 
	John Manolesco, 1969 (New York: Vantage Press).
 	*David E. Walford with Ralf Meerbote, 1992, in W1:301-59.

1768, pp.375-83: Von dem ersten Grunde des Unterschiedes der Gegenden 
im Raume.
Concerning the Ultimate Ground of the Differentiation of Directions in 
David Irvine, 1911, in I1:157-65.
	John Handyside, 1928, in H1:17-29.
	G.B. Kerferd and David E. Walford, 1968, in K1:36-43.
 	*David E. Walford with Ralf Meerbote, 1992, in W1:361-72.

1770, pp.385-419: De mundi sensibilis atque intelligibilis forma et 
On the Form and Principles of the Sensible and Intelligible World 
[Inaugural Dissertation].
	William Julius Eckoff, 1894 (New York: Columbia College); 
reprinted 1970 (New York: AMS Press).
	John Handyside, 1928, in H1:31-85; reprinted with Beck's 
revisions, 1986, in B5:145-88, and 1988, in B6:54-76.
	G.B. Kerferd and David E. Walford, 1968, in K1:45-92.
 	*David E. Walford with Ralf Meerbote, 1992, in W1:373-416.

1771, pp.421-25: Recension von Moscatis Schrift: Von dem kšrperlichen 
wesentlichen Unterschiede zwischen der Structur der Thiere und Menschen.
Review of Moscati's Paper: on the Difference in the Structure of Man and 
	Gabriele Rabel, 1963, short extracts in R1:95.

1775, pp.427-43: Von den verschiedenen Racen der Menschen.
On the Different Races of Men: with the Announcement of Lectures on 
Physical Geography.
	Gabriele Rabel, 1963, short extracts in R1:98-100.

1776-7, pp.445-52: AufsŠtze, das Philanthropin betreffend.
Letters on the Philanthropinum at Dessau.
	 *Edward Franklin Buchner, 1904, extracts in B8:242-46.
	Gabriele Rabel, 1963, short extracts in R1:101.

Volume III

1787 (1781), passim: Kritik der reinen Vernunft (second edition).
Critique of Pure Reason.
Anonymous (Francis Haywood), 1838 (London: William Pickering); 
revised 1848.
John Miller Dow Meiklejohn, 1855 (London: H.G. Bohn); numerous 
reprints and revisions, such as 1899 (New York: Colonial Press).
	Friedrich Max MŸller, 1881 (London: Macmillan); revised 1896; 
numerous reprints.
	James Hutchison Stirling, 1881, in Text-book to Kant (Edinburgh: 
Oliver & Boyd) (incomplete).
	John Watson, 1882, long extracts in W2:1-222.
	 *Norman Kemp Smith, 1929 (London: Macmillan); revised 1933.
	Narayanrao Appurao Nikam, 1966, paraphrased extracts in Sense, 
Understanding, and Reason (Bombay/New York: Asia Publishing House).
	Wolfgang Schwarz, 1982, long extracts of a 'concise text in a new 
terminologically faithful translation' (Aalen: Scientia Verlag).
	Humphrey Palmer, 1983, long extracts (Cardiff: University College 
Cardiff Press); reprinted 1992 (New York: E. Mellen).

Volume IV

1781, pp.1-252: Kritik der reinen Vernunft (only passages unique to the 
first edition).
Critique of Pure Reason.
	Included in MŸller's and Kemp Smith's translations (see above, 
volume III).

1783, pp.253-383: Prolegomena zu einer jeden kŸnftigen Metaphysik die 
als Wissenschaft wird auftreten kšnnen.
Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics.
	John Richardson, 1819 (London: Simpkin and Marshall); reprinted 
1836, in R3.
	John Pentland Mahaffy, 1872, in Kant's Critical Philosophy for 
English Readers (London: Longmans, Green), volume III; revised 1889, 
with John Henry Bernard (London: Macmillan), as volume II.
	Ernest Belfort Bax, 1883, in B1:1-134.
	Paul Carus, 1902 (Chicago: Open Court)
	Carl Joachim Friedrich, 1949, in F2:40-115 (incomplete).
 	*Lewis White Beck (revising Carus), 1950 (New York: Bobbs-
Merrill); extracts in B6:156-233.
	Peter Gray Lucas, 1953 (Manchester: Manchester University Press).
	James Wesley Ellington (revising Carus), 1977 (Indianapolis: 
Hackett); reprinted 1985, in E2 (Book I).

1785, pp.385-463: Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten.
Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals.
	Anonymous (John Richardson), 1798, in R2:I.15-133.
	John William Semple, 1836, in S1:3-78.
	Thomas Kingsmill Abbott (revising Semple), 1873, in A1:1-84; 
reprinted 1949 (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill).
	John Watson, 1882, long extracts in W2:225-58.
	Otto Manthey-Zorn, 1938 (New York/London: D. Appleton-
	Herbert James Paton, 1948, in The Moral Law (London: 
Hutchinson's University Library); numerous reprints.
	Carl Joachim Friedrich, 1949, in F2:140-208 (incomplete).
 	*Lewis White Beck, 1949, in B2:50-117; revised 1959, in B3:3-83; 
extracts revised again 1988, in B6:304-27.
	Brendan E.A. Liddell, 1970, in Kant on the Foundation of Morality 
(Bloomington: Indiana University Press).
	James Wesley Ellington, 1981 (Indianapolis: Hackett); reprinted 
1983, in E1 (Book I), and 1993, in E3:1-62.

1786, pp.465-565: Metaphysische AnfangsgrŸnde der Naturwissenschaft.
Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science.
	Ernest Belfort Bax, 1883, in B1:137-245.
 	*James Wesley Ellington, 1970 (New York: Bobbs-Merrill); 
reprinted 1985, in E2 (Book II).

Volume V

1788, pp.1-163: Kritik der praktischen Vernunft.
Critique of Practical Reason.
John William Semple, 1836, in S1:81-149 (incomplete).
	Thomas Kingsmill Abbott, 1873, in A1:87-262.
	John Watson, 1882, long extracts in W2:261-303.
	Carl Joachim Friedrich, 1949, in F2:209-64 (incomplete).
 	*Lewis White Beck, 1949, in B2:118-260; revised 1956 
(Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill); revised again 1988, in B6:244-98.

1790, pp.165-485: Kritik der Urtheilskraft (in two parts).
Critique of Judgment.
	John Watson, 1882, extracts of Introduction and Part II in W2:307-
	John Henry Bernard, 1892 (London: Macmillan); reprinted 1951 
(New York: Hafner Publishing).
	James Creed Meredith, 1952 (Oxford: Clarendon Press); reprinted 
from his separate 1911 and 1928 translations of the two parts.
	Walter Cerf, 1963, Part I in The Analytic of the Beautiful 
(Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill).
 	*Werner S. Pluhar, 1987 (Indianapolis: Hackett).

Volume VI

1793, pp.1-202: Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blo§en Vernunft.
Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone.
	John Richardson, 1798, paraphrased extracts (prepared by J.S. 
Beck) in The Principles of Critical Philosophy (London), Part Four; revised 
anonymously (John Richardson), 1799, in R2:II.367-422.
	John William Semple, 1838 (Edinburgh: Thomas Clark).
	Thomas Kingsmill Abbott, 1873, Book I in A1:323-60
 	*Theodore Meyer Greene and Hoyt Hopewell Hudson, 1934 
(Chicago: Open Court); second edition 1960 (Chicago/New York: Open 
Court/Harper & Row).

1797, pp.203-493: Die Metaphysik der Sitten (in two parts).
The Metaphysics of Morals: (I) Metaphysical First Principles of the Doctrine 
of Right; (II) Metaphysical First Principles of the Doctrine of Virtue.
	Anonymous (John Richardson), 1799 (London [Hamburg]: William 
	John William Semple, 1836, Introduction and Part II (incomplete) in 
	William Hastie, 1887, Introduction and Part I in The Philosophy of 
Law (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark); reprinted 1974 (Clifton: A.M. Kelly).
	James Wesley Ellington, 1964, Part II (Indianapolis: Bobbs-
Merrill); reprinted 1983, in E1 (Book II).
	Mary J. Gregor, 1964, Introduction and Part II in The Doctrine of 
Virtue (New York: Harper & Row); reprinted 1971 and revised 1980 
(Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press).
	John Ladd, 1965, most of Part I (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill); 
reprinted 1985 (New York: Macmillan).
	H.B. Nisbet, 1970, long extracts of Part I in N1:132-75.
 	*Mary J. Gregor, 1991, complete translation (Cambridge: 
Cambridge University Press).

Volume VII

1798, pp.1-116: Der Streit der FacultŠten (in three parts).
The Conflict of the Faculties.
	John C. Colquhoun, 1807, Part III in John Sinclair, The Code of 
Health and Longevity (Edinburgh); numerous revisions and reprints.
	Robert E. Anchor, 1963, Part II in B4:137-54; reprinted 1979, in 
Gregor's edition.
	H.B. Nisbet, 1970, Part II in N1:177-90.
 	*Mary J. Gregor, 1979 (New York: Abaris Books); Part II reprinted 
from Anchor's 1963 translation.

1798, pp.117-333: Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht.
Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View.
	Adolph Ernest Kroeger, 1875-1877 and 1879-1882, Book One in 
The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 9-11 and 13-16 (St. Louis: George 
Knapp), in 11 instalments.
	 *Mary J. Gregor, 1974 (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff).
	Victor Lyle Dowdell and Hans H. Rudnick, 1978 (Carbondale: 
Southern Illinois University Press).

Volume VIII

1782, pp.1-4: Anzeige des Lambert'schen Briefwechsels.
A Notice of Lambert's Correspondence. (No English translation.)

1782, pp.5-8: Nachricht an €rzte.
Information on Physicians. (No English translation.)

1783, pp.9-14: Recension von Schulz's Versuch einer Anleitung zur 
Sittenlehre fŸr alle Menschen, ohne Unterschied der Religion, nebst einem 
Anhange von den Todesstrafen.
Review: of Schultze's Attempt at a Moral Instruction for All Men regardless 
of their Religion.
	Gabriele Rabel, 1963, short extracts in R1:133.

1784, pp.15-31: Idee zu einer allgemeinen Geschichte in weltbŸrgerlicher 
Idea for a Universal History from a Cosmopolitan Point of View.
	Anonymous (John Richardson), 1798, in R2:I.409-32.
	William Hastie, 1891, in H2:1-29.
	Thomas De Quincey, 1927 (Hanover, N.H.: Sociological Press).
	Carl Joachim Friedrich, 1949, in F2:116-31 (incomplete).
	 *Lewis White Beck, 1963, in B4:11-26; reprinted 1988, in B6:415-
	H.B. Nisbet, 1970, in N1:41-53.
	Ted B. Humphrey, 1983, in H4:29-39.

1784, pp.33-42: Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist AufklŠrung?
What Is Enlightenment?
	Anonymous (John Richardson), 1798, in R2:I.1-14.
	Carl Joachim Friedrich, 1949, in F2:132-39 (incomplete).
 	*Lewis White Beck, 1949, in B2:286-92; reprinted 1959, in B3:85-
92; revised 1963, in B4:3-10; revised again 1988, in B6:462-67.
	H.B. Nisbet, 1970, in N1:54-60.
	Ted B. Humphrey, 1983, in H4:41-46.

1785, pp.43-66: Recensionen von J.G. Herders Ideen zur Philosophie der 
Geschichte der Menschheit.
Review of Herder's Ideas for a Philosophy of the History of Mankind.
	 *Robert E. Anchor, 1963, in B4:27-52.
	H.B. Nisbet, 1991, in N1:201-20.

1785, pp.67-76: †ber die Vulkane im Monde.
On the Volcanos in the Moon.
Anonymous (John Richardson), 1799, in R2:II.143-57.
	 *Stephen Richard Palmquist (revising Richardson), 1994, in P1:31-

1785, pp.77-87: Von der UnrechtmŠ§igkeit des BŸchernachdrucks.
Of the Injustice of Counterfeiting Books.
Anonymous (John Richardson), 1798, in R2:I.225-39.
	 *Stephen Richard Palmquist (revising Richardson), 1994, in P1:38-

1785, pp.89-106: Bestimmung des Begriffs einer Menschenrace.
Determination of the Concept of a Human Race.
	Gabriele Rabel, 1963, short extracts in R1:150-52.

1786, pp.107-23: Muthma§licher Anfang der Menschengeschichte.
Conjectural Beginning of Human History.
	Anonymous (John Richardson), 1798, in R2:I.315-38.
	 *E.L. Frankenheim, 1963, in B4:53-68.
	Ted B. Humphrey, 1983, in H4:49-59.
	H.B. Nisbet, 1991, in N1:221-34.

1786, pp.125-30: Recension von Gottlieb Hufeland's Versuch Ÿber den 
Grundsatz des Naturrechts.
Review of Gottlieb Hufeland's Principles of Natural Law.
	Gabriele Rabel, 1963, short extracts in R1:167.

1786, pp.131-47: Was hei§t: Sich im Denken orientiren?
What is Orientation in Thinking?
	Anonymous (John Richardson), 1798, in R2:I.385-407.
	 *Lewis White Beck, 1949, in B2:293-305.
	H.B. Nisbet, 1991, in N1:235-49.

1786, pp.149-55: Einige Bemerkungen zu L.H. Jakob's PrŸfung der 
Mendelssohn'schen Morgenstunden.
On Mendelssohn's Morning Hours.
	Gabriele Rabel, 1963, short extracts in R1:174-75.

1788, pp.157-84: †ber den Gebrauch teleologischer Principien in der 
On the Use of the Teleological Principle in Philosophy.
	Gabriele Rabel, 1963, short extracts in R1:184-89.

1790, pp.185-251: †ber eine Entdeckung, nach der alle neue Kritik der 
reinen Vernunft durch eine Šltere entbehrlich gemacht werden soll.
On a Discovery According to which Any New Critique of Pure Reason Has 
Been Made Superfluous by an Earlier One.
	Henry E. Allison, 1973, in A3:107-60.

1791, pp.253-71: †ber das Mi§lingen aller philosophischen Versuche in 
der Theodicee.
On the Failure of All the Philosophical Essays in the Theodicee.
	Anonymous (John Richardson), 1799, in R2:II.189-215.
 	*Michel Despland, 1973, in Kant on History and Religion 
(Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press), pp.283-97.

1793, pp.273-313: †ber den Gemeinspruch: Das mag in der Theorie richtig 
sein, taugt aber nicht fŸr die Praxis.
On the Old Saw: 'That May Be Right in Theory, But it Won't Work in 
	Anonymous (John Richardson), 1798, in R2:I.159-223.
	William Hastie, 1891, Parts II and III in H2:31-76.
	Carl Joachim Friedrich, 1949, in F2:412-29 (incomplete).
	H.B. Nisbet, 1970, in N1:61-92.
	 *E.B. Ashton, 1974 (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania 
	Ted B. Humphrey, 1983, in H4:61-89.

1794, pp.315-24: Etwas Ÿber den Einflu§ des Mondes auf die Witterung.
Something on the Influence of the Moon on the Weather Condition.
Anonymous (John Richardson), 1799, in R2:II.79-91.
	 *Stephen Richard Palmquist (revising Richardson), 1994, in P1:46-

1794, pp.325-39: Das Ende aller Dinge.
The End of All Things.
	Anonymous (John Richardson), 1799, in R2:II.423-44.
	 *Robert E. Anchor, 1963, in B4:69-84. 
	Ted B. Humphrey, 1983, in H4:93-103.

1795, pp.341-86: Zum ewigen Frieden.
Perpetual Peace.
Anonymous, 1796 (London: Vernor & Hood); reprinted 1932, ed. Nicholas 
Murray Butler (Los Angeles: U.S. Library Association), and 1939 (New 
York: Columbia University Press).
	A. Robert Caponigri (revising Smith), 1948 (New York: Liberal 
Arts Press).
	Anonymous (John Richardson), 1798, in R2:I.241-314.
	J.D. Morell, 1884 (London: Hodder & Stoughton).
	William Hastie, 1891, in H2:77-148.
	Benjamin Franklin Trueblood, 1897 (Boston: American Peace 
	Mary Campbell Smith, 1903 (London: Swan Sonnenschein); 
numerous reprints, such as 1972 (New York: Garland Publishing).
	Helen O'Brien, 1927 (London: Sweet & Maxwell).
	Carl Joachim Friedrich, 1948, in Inevitable Peace (Cambridge, 
Mass.: Harvard University Press), pp.245-81; reprinted 1949, in F2:430-
76 and 1969 (New York: Greenwood).
 	*Lewis White Beck, 1949, in B2:306-45; reprinted 1957 
(Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill); revised 1963, in B4:85-135; revised again 
1988, in B6:430-57.
	H.B. Nisbet, 1970, in N1:93-130.
	Ted B. Humphrey, 1983, in H4:107-39.
	Wolfgang Schwarz, 1988, in Principles of Lawful Politics (Aalen: 
Scientia Verlag, 1988), pp.41-135.

1796, pp.387-406: Von einem neuerdings erhobenen vornehmen Ton in der 
On a Newly Arisen Superior Tone in Philosophy.
	Anonymous (John Richardson), 1799, in R2:II.159-87.
	 *Peter David Fenves, 1993, in F1:51-72.

1796, pp.407-10: Ausgleichung eines auf Mi§verstand beruhenden 
mathematischen Streits.
Settlement of a Mathematical Controversy: which is based on a 
	Gabriele Rabel, 1963, short extracts in R1:286.

1796, pp.411-22: VerkŸndigung des nahen Abschlusses eines Tractats zum 
ewigen Frieden in der Philosophie.
Announcement of the Near Conclusion of a Treaty for Eternal Peace in 
	Peter David Fenves, 1993, in F1:83-93.

1797, pp.423-30: †ber ein vermeintes Recht aus Menschenliebe zu lŸgen.
On a Supposed Right to Lie from Altruistic Motives.
Adolph Ernest Kroeger, 1873, in The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 
7.2 (St. Louis: George Knapp), pp.14-19.
	Thomas Kingsmill Abbott, 1873, in A1:361-65.
	 *Lewis White Beck, 1949, in B2:346-50.
	James Wesley Ellington, 1993, in E3:63-67.

1798, pp.431-38: †ber die Buchmacherei.
On the Making of Books. (No English translation.)

1800, p.441: Vorrede zu Reinhold Bernhard Jachmanns PrŸfung der 
Kantischen Religionsphilosophie.
Preface to Reinhold Bernhard Jachmann's 'Testing of Kantian Religious 
	Peter David Fenves, in F1:109-10.

1800, pp.443-45: Nachschrift zu Christian Gottlieb Mielckes Littauisch-
deutschem und deutsch-littauischem Wšrterbuch.
Notes to Christian Gottlieb Mielcke's Lithuanian-German and German-
Lithuanian Dictionary. (No English translation.)

Volume IX

1800, pp.1-150: Logik (based on lectures delivered from 1755-1798; ed. 
G.B. JŠsche).
Lectures on Logic.
	John Richardson, 1819 (London: Simpkin and Marshall); reprinted 
1836, in R3.
	Thomas Kingsmill Abbott, 1885, in A2:1-78.
	Robert S. Hartman and Wolfgang Schwarz, 1974 (Indianapolis: 
 	*J. Michael Young, 1992 (Cambridge: Cambridge University 

1803, pp.151-436: Physische Georaphie (based on lectures delivered from 
1756-1796; ed. F.T. Rink).
Lectures on Physical Geography. (No English translation.)

1803, pp.437-99: PŠdagogik (based on lectures delivered from 1776-1787; 
ed. F.T. Rink).
On Education.
	 *Annette Churton, 1899 (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner) 
and 1900 (Boston: D.C. Heath); reprinted 1960 (Ann Arbor: University of 
Michigan Press).
	Edward Franklin Buchner, 1904, in B8:99-222.

Volumes X-XIII (Letters)

Bax, 1891, two letters in B1:xxxvii-xxxviii, and numerous extracts on other 
Frank Sewall, 1900, extracts of three letters (one complete) in Emmanuel F. 
Goerwitz's translation of Dreams of a Spirit Seer (London: Swan 
Sonnenschein), pp.155-59, 162.
Edward Franklin Buchner, 1904, one letter in B8:245-46.
Michael Bullock, 1952, extracts of four letters in his translation of Willibald 
Klinke, Kant for Everyman (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul), pp.56-
58, 70.
Gabriele Rabel, 1963, extracts of 12 letters in R1:43, 72-73, 85, 93-94, 96-
97, 103, 127, 259-60, 279, 356.
Arnulf Zweig, 1967, 97 letters in Z1:35-254 (some incomplete).
G.B. Kerferd and David E. Walford, 1968, 19 letters in K1:93f.
John Manolesco, 1969, extracts of five letters (two complete) in his 
translation of Dreams of a Spirit Seer, pp.149-62.
Henry E. Allison, 1973, two letters in A3:161-70.
Lewis White Beck, 1988, one letter in B6:81-84.
Peter David Fenves, 1993, one letter in F1:106-9.
Stephen Richard Palmquist, 1994, two letters in P1:86-87.

Volumes XIV-XXIII (Handwritten Notes and Essays)

	These volumes contain the following subjects: Mathematics, 
Physics, Chemistry, and Physical Geography (XIV); Anthropology (XV, in 
two parts); Knowledge and Reason (XVI); Metaphysics (XVII and XVIII); 
Moral, Legal, and Religious Philosophy (XIX); Aesthetics, Metaphysics, 
and Miscellaneous (XX); Opus Postumum, based on notes written 1796-
1803 (XXI and XXII); and Notes written in the margins of Kant's books 
(XXIII). Many Reflexionen are translated throughout Paul Guyer's Kant 
and the Claims of Knowledge (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 
1987). See also:

1763?, in Rudolf Reicke, Lose BlŠtter aus Kants Nachlass (Kšnigsberg: 
Beyer, 1889), pp.5-9: Vorbereitung. Von der Gewisheit und ungewisheit 
der Erkenntnis Ÿberhaupt.
Preparation. Concerning the Certainty and Uncertainty of Knowledge in 
	Emery Winfield Balduf, 1926, in Kant's Prize Essay on Natural 
Theology and Morals (Chicago: University of Chicago Dissertation), 

no dates, vol. XV, pp.55-654: Reflexionen zur Anthropologie.
Pedagogical Fragments.
	Edward Franklin Buchner, 1904, extracts of 62 Reflexionen in 

1777, vol. XV, pp.903-35: Reflexion 1525.
Concerning Sensory Illusion and Poetic Fiction.
	Ralf Meerbote, 1986, in B5:202-13.

1788? (possibly 1786), vol. XV, pp.939-53: Reflexion 1526.
On Philosophers' Medicine of the Body.
	Mary J. Gregor, 1986, in B5:228-38.

1780s, vol. XVII, pp.434-38: Reflexionen 6050-6053.
On Philosophical Exaltations.
	Peter David Fenves, 1993, in F1:101-5.

c.1790, not in Ak., but see Reinhard Brandt and Werner Stark (eds.), Kant-
Forschungen Band I (Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 1987), pp.1-30: Vom 
inneren Sinne.
On Inner Sense.
	Hoke Robinson, 1989, in International Philosophical Quarterly 29, 

1790, vol. XX, pp.193-251: Erste Einleitung in die Kritik der Urteilskraft 
(extracts ed. J.S. Beck, 1794, in vol. II of his ErlŠuternden Auszug aus den 
critischen Schriften).
First Introduction to the Critique of Judgment.
	Humayun Kabir, 1935, in On Philosophy in General (Calcutta: The 
University Press).
	James Haden, 1965 (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill).
	 *Werner S. Pluhar, 1987, in his translation of Critique of Judgment 
(Indianapolis: Hackett), pp.383-441.

c.1791, vol. XX, pp.253-332: Welches sind die wirklichen Fortschritte, die 
die Metaphysik seit Leibnitzens und Wolf's Zeiten in Deutschland gemacht 
hat? (ed. F.T. Rink, 1804).
What Real Progress Has Metaphysics Made in Germany Since the Time of 
Leibniz and Wolff?
	Ted B. Humphrey, 1983 (New York: Abaris Books).

1789-1790, vol. XX, pp.379-423: Zur Rezension von Eberhards Magazin 
(II. Band).
Schulze's Review of the Second Volume of the Philosophisches Magazin, 
and Kant's Notes to KŠstner's Treatises.
	Henry E. Allison, 1973, short extracts in A3:171-77.

1790-1803, vols. XXI-XXII: Opus Postumum (twelve sets of unpublished 
Opus Postumum.
 	Eckart Fšrster and Michael Rosen, 1993 (Cambridge: Cambridge 
University Press).

c.1795, vol. XXIII, p.195: Vorarbeit zu Von einem neuerdings erhobenen 
vornehmen Ton in der Philosophie.
	On a Newly Raging Spirit of Domination in Philosophy.
	Peter David Fenves, 1993, in F1:105-6.

Volumes XXIV-XXIX (Reconstructions of Lectures)

	These volumes contain the following subjects: Logic (XXIV, in two 
parts); Moral Philosophy (XXVII, in three parts); Metaphysics and Rational 
Theology (XXVIII, in three parts); and Minor Lectures and Supplements 
(XXIX, in two parts). Volumes XXV and XXVI have not yet been 

1775-1780, vol. XXVII, Part 1: Vorlesungen Ÿber Moralphilosophie (three 
Lectures on Ethics (from P. Menzer's 1924 ed. [Berlin: Pan Verlag R. 
Heise], not in Ak.)
Louis Infield, 1930 (London: Methuen); numerous reprints, such as 1963 
(New York: Harper & Row).

1783-1784, vol. XXVIII, Part 2,2, pp.989-1126: Philosophische 
Religionslehre nach Pšlitz (ed. K.H.L. Pšlitz, 1817).
Lectures on Philosophical Theology.
	Allen W. Wood and Gertrude M. Clark, 1978 (London: Cornell 
University Press).

Collections of English Translations

A1:	Thomas Kingsmill Abbott, Immanuel Kant's Critique of Practical 
Reason and Other Works on the Theory of Ethics. London: Longmans, 
Green, 1873. Numerous reprints and revisions. Foundations, the second 
Critique, Religion (Book I), extracts of Metaphysics of Morals, and two 
minor works (one incomplete).

A2:	Thomas Kingsmill Abbott, Kant's Introduction to Logic. London: 
Longmans, Green, 1885. Reprinted 1963 (London: Vision Press). Lectures 
on Logic and one minor work.

A3:	Henry E. Allison, The Kant-Eberhard Controversy. London: Johns 
Hopkins University Press, 1973. One minor work, two letters, and 
selections from Ak. XX.

B1:	Ernest Belfort Bax, Kant's Prolegomena and Metaphysical 
Foundations of Natural Science. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1883. Revised 
1891. Two major works and numerous extracts of letters (two complete).

B2:	Lewis White Beck, Immanuel Kant: Critique of Practical Reason and 
Other Writings in Moral Philosophy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 
1949. Reprinted 1976 (New York: Garland). The second Critique, 
Foundations, extracts of Metaphysics of Morals, and five minor works.

B3:	Lewis White Beck, Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals. 
Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1959. Foundations and one minor work.

B4:	Lewis White Beck, Kant On History. New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 
1963. Seven minor works.

B5:	Lewis White Beck, Kant's Latin Writings. New York: Peter Lang, 
1986. Six minor works.

B6:	Lewis White Beck, Kant: Selections. New York: Macmillan, 1988. 
Revisions of his translations of some or all of Prolegomena, Foundations, 
the second Critique, four minor works, and a letter to Herz; also extracts of 
other translations of the first and third Critiques and one minor work.

B7:	Raymond Bernard Blakney, An Immanuel Kant Reader. New York: 
Harper & Row, 1960. Short extracts, interspersed with commentary, of the 
three Critiques, Prolegomena, and Foundations.

B8:	Edward Franklin Buchner, The Educational Theory of Immanuel 
Kant. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1904. Reprinted 1971 (New York: 
AMS Press). Lectures on Education, short extracts of numerous works 
relating to education, one letter, and some Reflexionen.

C1:	The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. 
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 14 volumes: (I) Theoretical 
Philosophy, 1755-1770; (II) Critique of Pure Reason; (III) Theoretical 
Philosophy After 1781; (IV) Practical Philosophy; (V) Aesthetics and 
Teleology; (VI) Religion and Rational Theology; (VII) Anthropology, 
History, and Education; (VIII) Natural Science; (IX) Lectures on Logic; (X) 
Lectures on Metaphysics; (XI) Lectures on Practical Philosophy; (XII) 
Opus Postumum; (XIII) Notes and Fragments; and (XIV) Correspondence. 
To date, only volumes I, IX, and XII have appeared in print.

E1:	James Wesley Ellington, Ethical Philosophy. Indianapolis: Hackett, 
1983. Foundations and Part II of Metaphysics of Morals.

E2:	James Wesley Ellington, The Philosophy of Material Nature. 
Indianapolis: Hackett, 1985. Prolegomena and Metaphysical Foundations of 
Natural Science.

E3:	James Wesley Ellington, Grounding for the Metaphysics of 
Morals.3 Indianapolis: Hackett, 1993. Foundations and one minor essay 
(added in third edition).

F1:	Peter David Fenves, Raising the Tone of Philosophy. Baltimore: 
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993. Three minor essays, several 
Reflexionen, and one letter. (Also translates a related essay by Jacques 

F2:	Carl Joachim Friedrich, The Philosophy of Kant. New York: 
Random House, 1949. Extracts (some lengthy) of all three Critiques, 
Prolegomena, Foundations, Religion, and six minor works.

H1:	John Handyside, Kant's Inaugural Dissertation and Early Writings 
on Space. Chicago: Open Court, 1928. Reprinted 1979 (Westport, Conn.: 
Hyperion Press). Two minor works and extracts (tr. N. Kemp Smith) of 
one other.

H2:	William Hastie, Kant's Principles of Politics. Edinburgh: T. & T. 
Clark, 1891. Reprinted 1914 (with extracts from Hastie's translation of 
Kant's Metaphysics of Morals, as Eternal Peace and Other International 
Essays [Boston: World Peace Foundation]) and 1970 (New York: Johnson 
Reprint Corporation). Three minor works (one incomplete).

H3:	William Hastie, Kant's Cosmogony, as in his Essay on the 
Retardation of the Rotation of the Earth and his Natural History and Theory 
of the Heavens. Glasgow: J. Maclehose, 1900. Reprinted 1968, ed. Willy 
Ley (New York: Greenwood), and 1969, ed. Milton K. Munitz (Ann 
Arbor: University of Michigan Press). Two minor works.

H4:	Ted B. Humphrey, Perpetual Peace and Other Essays on Politics, 
History, and Morals. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1983. Six minor works.

I1:	David Irvine, The Metaphysical Rudiments of Liberalism. London: 
1911. Two minor works.

K1:	G.B. Kerferd and David E. Walford, Selected Pre-Critical Writings 
and Correspondence with Beck. Manchester/New York: Manchester 
University Press/Barnes & Noble, 1968. Three minor works and 19 letters.

N1:	H.B. Nisbet, Kant: Political Writings.2 Cambridge: Cambridge 
University Press, 1991 [1970]), ed. Hans Siegbert Reiss. Eight minor 
works (three added in the 1991 edition), and two short extracts.

P1:	Stephen Richard Palmquist, Four Neglected Essays by Immanuel 
Kant. Hong Kong: Philopsychy Press, 1994. Four minor essays, revised 
from R2.

R1:	Gabriele Rabel, Kant. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1963. Short 
extracts from nearly all of Kant's published writings and from 12 letters.

R2:	John Richardson (anonymous), Essays and Treatises on Moral, 
Political, Religious and Various Philosophical Subjects. 2 vols. London 
[and/or Hamburg]: William Richardson, 1798-1799. Nineteen works, as 
listed in P1:71.

R3:	John Richardson, Metaphysical Works of the Celebrated Immanuel 
Kant. London: W. Simpkin & R. Marshall, 1836. His 1819 translations of 
Kant's Logic and Prolegomena, along with 'A Sketch of the Author's Life 
and Writings' and an essay paraphrasing Kant's views on theodicy and 
proofs for the existence of God.

S1:	John William Semple, The Metaphysic of Ethics. Edinburgh: 
Thomas Clark, 1836. Numerous revisions and reprints, such as 1871, ed. 
Henry Calderwood (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark). Foundations, the second 
Critique (incomplete), and Part II of Metaphysics of Morals.

W1:	David E. Walford with Ralf Meerbote, Theoretical Philosophy, 
1755-1770. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. Volume I of 
C1. Eleven minor essays.

W2:	John Watson, The Philosophy of Kant. Kingston: William Bailie, 
1882. Numerous reprints and revisions, such as 1888 (New York: 
Macmillan) and 1978 (Folcroft, Pa.: Folcroft Library Editions). Long 
extracts of original translations of the three Critiques and Foundations.

W3:	A.F.M. Willich, Elements of the Critical Philosophy. London: T.N. 
Longman, 1798. Short extracts of most main works, interspersed with 

Z1:	Arnulf Zweig, Kant: Philosophical Correspondence 1759-99. 
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1967. 97 letters (some incomplete) 
to and from Kant.

Collections Containing Reprints Only

Ernst Behler, Immanuel Kant: Philosophical Writings. New York: 
Continuum, 1986. Long extracts of the first and third Critiques 
(Meiklejohn's and Meredith's), Foundations (Beck's), and three minor 
essays (all Beck's).

Julian Benda, The Living Thoughts of Kant. New York: Longmans, Green, 
1940. Second edition, 1948 (London, Cassell). Extracts from all three 
Critiques (MŸller's, Abbott's, and Bernard's), Religion (Greene and 
Hudson's), and several other essays in A1. 

Alfred Caldecott and H.R. Mackintosh (eds.), Selections from the Literature 
of Theism. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1904. Chapter VI, 'Religion in the 
Critical Philosophy', contains extracts from all three Critiques.

Theodore Meyer Greene, Kant Selections.2 London: Charles Scribner's 
Sons, 1957 (1929). Long extracts of all three Critiques (MŸller's, Abbott's, 
and Bernard's), and Foundations (Abbott's).

Great Books of the Western World, vol. XLII (Kant). Chicago: 
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1952. All three Critiques (Meiklejohn's, 
Abbott's, and Meredith's), Foundations (Abbott's), and Metaphysics of 
Morals (Hastie's, with extracts from Abbott's).

Arnulf Zweig, The Essential Kant. New York: Mentor, 1970. Extracts from 
all three Critiques (MŸller's, Abbott's, and Meredith's), all of Foundations 
(Abbott's), Part II of Metaphysics of Morals (Ellington's), and two letters 
(reprinted from Z1).

Prepared by Stephen Palmquist
Hong Kong, July 1994