By Stephen Palmquist (



I. Primary Systematic Works


Kt1:  Kritik der reinen Vernunft2, 1787(1781), K2:3.passim; passages unique to first edition, K2:4.1-252. Tr. N. Kemp Smith, 1929, as Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (London:Macmillan&Co.Ltd.).Refer­ences are to the 1787 edition, unless the page number is preceded by 'A'.

Tr. F. Haywood, 1838 (London); J.M.D. Meiklejohn (1787 edition), 1855, innumerable revisions and reprints, e.g., 1899 (New York: The Colonial Press); M. Müller, 1881 (London: Macmillan); J.H. Stirling (incom­plete), 1881, in Text-book to Kant (Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd); J. Watson (long ex­tracts), 1888 (W12:1-222).


Kt2:  Prolegomena zu einer jeden künftigen Metaphysik die als Wissen­schaft wird auftreten können, 1783, K2:4.253-383. Tr. P. Carus, revised by L.W. Beck, 1950, as Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics (New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Inc.); extracts in B15:156-233.

Tr. J. Richardson, 1819 (London) and 1836 (in R6); J.P. Mahaffy and J.H. Bernard, 1872 (London: Macmillan); E.B. Bax, 1883 (London: G. Bell & Sons); P. Carus, 1902 (Chicago: Open Court); C.J. Friedrich (incom­plete), 1949 (F7:40-115); P.G. Lucas, 1953 (Man­chester: Manch­ester University Press); J. Ellington, 1985 (Indianapolis: Hackett).


Kt3:  Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft,1786,K2:4.465-565. Tr. J. Ellington, 1970, as Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science (New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Inc.).

Tr. E.B. Bax, 1883 (London: G. Bell & Sons).


Kt4:  Kritik der praktischen Vernunft, 1788, K2:5.1-163. Tr. L.W. Beck, 1956, as Critique of Practical Reason (Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Inc.); revision of B4:118-260; later revised in B15:244-98.

Tr. T.K. Abbott, 1873 (A1:87-262);  J. Watson (long extracts), 1888 (W12:261-303); C.J. Friedrich (long extracts), 1949 (F7:209-64).


Kt5:  Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten, 1785, K2:4.385-463. Tr. L.W. Beck, 1959, as Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals (B7:3-83); revision of B4:50-117; extracts later revised in B15:304-27.

Tr. anonymously, 1798 (R5:1.15-133); T.K. Abbott, 1873 (A1:1-84); J. Watson (long extracts), 1888 (W12:225-58); O. Manthey-Zorn, 1938 (New York: D. Appleton-Century); H.J. Paton, 1948, in The Moral Law (London: Hutchinson's); C.J. Friedrich (incom­plete), 1949 (F7:140-208); B.E.A. Liddell, 1970, in Kant on the Founda­tion of Morality (Bloomington: Indiana University Press); J. Ellington, 1981 (Indianapolis: Hackett).


Kt6:  Die Metaphysik der Sitten, 1797, K2:6.203-493. Part I (K2:6.203-372) tr. W. Hastie, 1887, as The Metaphysical Principles of the Science of Right, in The Philosophy of Law (Edinburgh: T.&T. Clark); reprinted 1974 (Clifton: A.M. Kelly). Part II (K2:6.203-28,373-491) tr. M.J. Gregor, 1964, as The Doctrine of Virtue (Philadelphia: University of Penn­syl­vania Press). Quotes from K2:6.203-28 are from Gregor, who uses bracket­ed numbers to mark the end of the corresponding K2 page.

Most of Part I tr. J. Ladd, 1965 (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Mer­rill); H.B. Nisbet (long extracts), 1970 (N4:132-75). Part II tr. J.W. Semple (incomplete), 1836; J. Ellington, 1964 (Indianapo­lis: Bobbs-Merrill). Complete tr. M.J. Gregor, 1991 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).


Kt7:  Kritik der Urtheilskraft, 1790, K2:5.165-485. Tr. J.C. Meredith, 1952, as Kant's Critique of Judgement (Oxford: The Clarendon Press); reprinted from his 1911 and 1928 translations of the two Parts.

Tr. J. Watson (extracts of Introduction and Part II), 1888 (W12:307-49); J.H. Bernard, 1892 (London: Macmillan); W. Cerf (extract of Part I), 1963, in The Analytic of the Beau­tiful (Indianapo­lis: Bobbs-Merrill); W.S. Pluhar, 1987 (Indianapolis: Hackett).


Kt7i:Erste Einleitung in die Kritik der Urteilskraft, 1790 (unpublished; later published by J.S. Beck), K2:20.193-251. Tr. J. Haden, 1965, as First Introduction to the Critique of Judgment (Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Inc.).

         Tr. H. Kabir, 1935 (Calcutta); W. Pluhar, 1987 (in his Kt7:(383-441)).


Kt8:  Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der bloßen Vernunft, 1793, K2: 6.1-202. Tr. T.M. Greene and H.H. Hudson, 1960(1934), as Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone (see G15).

Tr. anonymously, 1799 (R5:2.367-422); J.W. Semple, 1838 (Edinburgh: Thomas Clark).


Kt9:  Opus Postumum, c.1796-1803 (unpublished notes), K2:21-22.passim  (s.a. A3). Tr. E. Förster, forthcoming (Cambridge University Press).


Kt10: Logik, based on lectures delivered from 1755-1798 (ed. G.B. Jäsche, 1800), K2:9.1-150. Tr. R.S. Hartman and W. Schwarz, 1974, as Logic (New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Inc.).

Tr. J. Richardson, 1819 (London) and 1836 (in R6); T.K. Abbott, 1885 (A2:1-78).


II. Other Publications and Lectures (mostly in volumes 1-9 of K2)


 1. The Theoretical Standpoint


Kt11:  Principiorum primorum cognitionis metaphysicae nova dilucidatio, 1755, K2:1.385-416. Tr. F.E. England, 1929, as A New Exposition of the First Principles of Metaphysical Knowledge (E3:211-52).

Tr. J.A. Reuscher, 1986 (B14:57-106).

Kt12:  Metaphysicae cum geometria iunctae usus in philosophia naturali, cuius specimen I. continet monadologiam physicam, 1756, K2:1.473-87. Tr. L.W. Beck, 1986, as The Use in Natural Philosophy of Metaphysics Combined with Geometry Part One of Which Contains Physical Monadology (B14:115-32).


Kt13:  Versuch einiger Betrachtungen über den Optimismus, 1759, K2:2.27-35. Extracts tr. G. Rabel, 1963, as Some Reflections on Optimism (R1:40-2).


Kt14:  Die falsche Spitzfindigkeit der vier syllogistischen Figuren erwiesen, 1762, K2:2.45-61. Tr. T.K. Abbott, 1885, as The Mistaken Subtilty of the Four Syllogistic Figures (A2:79-95).

Tr. anonymously, 1798 (R5:1.135-57).


Kt15:  Der einzig mögliche Beweisgrund zu einer Demonstration des Daseins Gottes, 1763, K2:2.63-163. Tr. anonymously, 1799, as The Only Possible Argument for the Demonstration of the Existence of God (R5:2.217-366).

Tr. G. Treash, 1979 (New York: Abaris Books).


Kt16:  Versuch den Begriff der negativen Größen in die Weltweisheit einzuführen, 1763, K2:2.165-204. Extracts tr. W. Wallace, 1901 (W5:126-9), and G. Rabel, 1963 (R1:46-50).


Kt17:  Untersuchung über die Deutlichkeit der Grundsätze der natürlichen Theologie und der Moral, 1764, K2:2.273-301. Tr. L.W. Beck, 1949, as An Inquiry into the Distinctness of the Principles of Natural Theology and Morals (B4:261-85); later revised in B15:29-47.

Tr. anonymously, 1798 (R5:1.339-83); G.B. Kerferd and D.E. Walford, 1968 (K5:3-35).


Kt18:  Träume eines Geistersehers, erläutert durch Träume der Metaphysik, 1766, K2:2.315-73. Tr. E.F. Goerwitz, 1900, as Dreams of a Spirit Seer Illustrat­ed by Dreams of Metaphysics, ed. F. Sewal (London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.).

Tr. J. Manolesco, 1969 (New York: Vantage Press).


Kt19:  De mundi sensibilis atque intelligibilis forma et principiis, 1770, K2:2.385-419. Tr. G.B. Kerferd and D.E. Walford, 1968, as On the Form and Principles of the Sensible and Intelligible World (K5:45-92); often referred to as Kant's 'Inaugural Disserta­tion'.

Tr. W.J. Eckoff, 1894 (New York: Columbia University Press), reprinted 1970 (New York: AMS Press); J. Handyside, 1928 (H2:31-85), reprinted with Beck's revisions, 1986 (B14:145-88) and 1988 (B15:54-76).


Kt20:  Was heißt: Sich im Denken orientiren?, 1786, K2:8.131-47. Tr. L.W. Beck, 1949, as What is Orientation in Thinking? (B4:293-305).

Tr. anonymously, 1798 (R5:1.385-407); H.B. Nisbet, 1991 (N4:235-49).


Kt21:  Einige Bemerkungen zu L.H. Jakob's Prüfung der Mendelssohn'schen Morgenstunden, 1786, K2:8.149-55. Extracts tr. G. Rabel, 1963, as On Mendelssohn's Morning Hours (R1:174-5).


Kt22:  Über eine Entdeckung, nach der alle neue Kritik der reinen Vernunft durch eine ältere entbehrlich gemacht werden soll, 1790, K2:8.185-251. Tr. H.E. Allison, 1973, as On a Discovery According to which Any New Critique of Pure Reason Has Been Made Superfluous by an Earlier One (A7:107-60).


Kt23:  Von einem neuerdings erhobenen vornehmen Ton in der Philosophie, 1796, K2:8.387-406. Tr. anonymously, 1799, as Of a Gentle Ton Lately Assumed in Philosophy (R5:2.159-87).


Kt24:  Ausgleichung eines auf Mißverstand beruhenden mathematischen Streits, 1796, K2:8.407-10. Extracts tr. G. Rabel, 1963, as Settle­ment of a Mathematical Controversy (R1:286).


Kt25:  Vorlesungen über Metaphysik, based on lectures delivered from 1755 to 1796 (notes probably dating from 1775-1780), vols. 28.1 and 28.2,1 of K2. No English trans­lation published.


Kt26:  Vorlesungen über die philosophische Religionslehre, based on lectures delivered in c.1783-1784 (ed. K. Beyer, 1937), vol. 28.2,2 of K2. Tr. A.W. Wood and G.M. Clark, 1978, as Lectures on Philo­soph­ical Theology (London: Cornell University Press). Transla­tion does not follow K2 text.


 2. The Practical Standpoint


   A. Ethics and Politics


Kt27:  Recension von Schulz's Versuch einer Anleitung zur Sittenlehre für alle Menschen, ohne Unterschied der Religion, nebst einem Anhange von den Todesstrafen, 1783, K2:8.9-14. Extracts tr. G. Rabel, 1963, as Review of Schultze's Attempt at a Moral Instruction for All Men re­gardless of their Religion (Part I) (R1:133).


Kt28:  Von der Unrechtmäßigkeit des Büchernachdrucks, 1785, K2:8.77-87. Tr. anonymously, 1798, as On the Injustice of Counterfeiting Books (R5:1.225-39).


Kt29:  Recension von Gottlieb Hufeland's Versuch über den Grundsatz des Naturrechts, 1786, K2:8.125-30. Extracts tr. G. Rabel, 1963, as Review of Gottlieb Hufeland's Principles of Natural Law (R1:167).


Kt30:  Über den Gemeinspruch: Das mag in der Theorie richtig sein, taugt aber nicht für die Praxis, 1793, K2:8.273-313. Tr. H.B. Nisbet, 1970, as On the Common Saying: 'This May be True in Theory, but it does not Apply in Practice' (N4:61-92).

Tr. anonymously, 1798, (R5:1.159-223); W. Hastie (Parts II and III only), 1891 (H6:31-76); C.J. Friedrich (incomplete), 1949 (F7:412-29); and E.B. Ashton, 1974 (Phila­delphia: University of Pennsylvania Press); T. Humphrey, 1983 (H23:61-89).


Kt31:  Das Ende aller Dinge, 1794, K2:8.325-39. Tr. R.E. Anchor, 1963, as The End of All Things (B10:69-84).

Tr. anonymously, 1799 (R5:2.423-44); T. Humphrey, 1983 (H23:93-103).


Kt32:  Zum ewigen Frieden, 1795, K2:8.341-86. Tr. L.W. Beck, 1963, as Per­petual Peace (B10:85-135); revision of B4:306-45; later revised in B15:430-57.

Tr. anonymously, 1798, (R5:1.241-314); W. Hastie, 1891 (H6:77-148); M.C. Smith, 1903 (London: Allen & Unwin); H. O'Brien, 1927 (London); C.J. Friedrich (incomplete), 1949 (F7:430-76); H.B. Nisbet, 1970 (N4: 93-130); T. Humphrey, 1983 (H23:107-39).


Kt33:Verkündigung des nahen Abschlusses eines Tractats zum ewigen Frieden in der Philosophie, 1796, K2:8.411-22. Extracts tr. G. Rabel, 1963, as Proclamation of the Imminent Conclusion of a Treatise of Perma­nent Peace in Philosophy (R1:287-9).


Kt34:  Über ein vermeintes Recht aus Menschenliebe zu lügen, 1797, K2:8.423-30. Tr. L.W. Beck, 1949, as On a Supposed Right to Lie from Altruistic Motives (B4:346-50).

Tr. T.K. Abbott, 1873 (A1:361-5).


Kt35:  Eine Vorlesung Kants über Ethik, based on students' notes from lec­tures delivered between 1775 and 1781, ed. P. Menzer (Berlin, 1924). Tr. L. Infield, 1930, as Lectures on Ethics (London: Methuen & Co. Ltd.). Translation does not follow K2 text.


   B. Philosophy of Education


Kt36:  Nachricht von der Einrichtung seiner Vorlesungen in dem Winterhal­benjahre von 1765-1766, 1765, K2:2.303-13. Extracts tr. E.F. Buchner, 1908, as Announcement of the Arrangement of his Lectures for the Winter Semester, 1765-1766 (B29:256-7,263-7), and G. Rabel, 1963 (R1:68-71).


Kt37:  Aufsätze, das Philanthropin betreffend, 1776-7, K2:2.445-52. Extracts tr. E.F. Buchner, 1908, as Letters on the Philanthropinum at Dessau (B29:242-6), and G. Rabel, 1963 (R1:101).


Kt38:  Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung?, 1784, K2:8.33-42. Tr. L.W. Beck, 1963, as What Is Enlightenment? (B10:3-10); revision of B4:286-92 and B7:85-92; later revised in B15:462-7.

Tr. anonymously, 1798 (R5:1.1-14); C.J. Friedrich (incomplete), 1949 (F7:132-9); H.B. Nisbet, 1970 (N4:54-60); T. Humphrey, 1983 (H23:41-6).


Kt39:  Pädagogik, based on lectures delivered from 1776-1787 (ed. F.T. Rink, 1803), K2:9.437-99. Tr. E.F. Buchner, 1908, as Lecture-Notes on Pedagogy (B29:99-222).

Tr. A. Churton, 1899, reprinted 1960 (University of Michigan Press).


 3. The Judicial Standpoint


   A. Philosophy of Nature


Kt40:  Gedanken von der wahren Schätzung der lebendigen Kräfte und Beur­theilung der Beweise, deren sich Herr von Leibniz und andere Mechan­iker in dieser Streitsache bedient haben, nebst einigen vorhergehenden Be­trachtungen, welche die Kraft der Körper überhaupt betreffen,1747,K2: 1.1-181. Extracts tr. N. Kemp Smith, 1929, as Thoughts on the True Estimation of Living Forces (H2:1-15), and G. Rabel, 1963 (R1:1-8).


Kt41:  Untersuchung der Frage, ob die Erde in ihrer Umdrehung um die Achse, wodurch sie die Abwechselung des Tages und der Nacht her­vor­bringt, einige Veränderung seit den ersten Zeiten ihres Ursprungs erlit­ten habe und woraus man sich ihrer versichern könne, welche von der Königl. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin zum Preise für das jetztlaufende Jahr aufgegeben worden, 1754, K2:1.183-91. Tr. W. Hastie, 1900, as Whether the Earth Has Undergone an Alteration of its Axial Rotation (H7:157-65).

Reprinted 1968, ed. Willy Ley (New York: Greenwood), and 1969, ed. M.K. Munitz (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press).


Kt42:  Die Frage, ob die Erde veralte, physikalisch erwogen, 1754, K2:1.193-213. Extracts tr. G. Rabel, 1963, as The Question: 'Whether the Earth Grows Old?' considered physically (R1:11-2).


Kt43:  Allgemeine Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels oder Versuch von der Verfassung und dem mechanischen Ursprunge des ganzen Weltgebäudes, nach Newtonischen Grundsätzen abgehandelt, 1755, K2:1.215-368. Tr. S.L. Jaki, 1981, as Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press).

Tr. W. Hastie (incomplete), 1900 (H7:1-155).


Kt44:  Meditationum quarundam de igne succincta delineatio, 1755, K2: 1.369-84. Tr. L.W. Beck, 1986, as Succinct Exposition of Some Medita­tions on Fire (B14:23-44).


Kt45:  Von den Ursachen der Erderschütterungen bei Gelegenheit des Unglücks, welches die westliche Länder von Europa gegen das Ende des vorigen Jahres betroffen hat, 1756, K2:1.417-27. Extracts tr. G. Rabel, 1963, as On the Causes of Earthquakes On the occasion of the Calamity which hit the Western Lands of Europe towards the end of last year (R1:27-8).


Kt46:  Geschichte und Naturbeschreibung der merkwürdigsten Vorfälle des Erdbebens, welches an dem Ende des 1755sten Jahres einen großen Theil der Erde erschüttert hat, 1756, K2:1.429-61. Tr. anonymously, 1799, as History and Physiography of the Most Remarkable Cases of the Earthquake which towards the End of 1755 Shook a Great Part of the Earth (R5:2.93-142).


Kt47:  Fortgesetzte Betrachtung der seit einiger Zeit wahrgenommenen Erderschütterungen, 1756, K2:1.463-72. Extracts tr. G. Rabel, 1963, as Continued Observations (R1:26).


Kt48:  Neue Anmerkungen zur Erläuterung der Theorie der Winde, 1756, K2:1.489-503. Extracts tr. G. Rabel, 1963, as Magister Immanuel Kant's New Remarks Offering an Explanation of the Theory of the Winds (R1:32-4).


Kt49:  Entwurf und Ankündigung eines Collegii der physischen Geographie nebst dem Anhange einer kurzen Betrachtung über die Frage: Ob die Westwinde in unsern Gegenden darum feucht seien, weil sie über ein großes Meer streichen, 1757, K2:2.1-12. Extracts tr. G. Rabel, 1963, as Outline of a Course of Lectures in Physical Geography to which is ap­pended a brief contemplation of the question, whether the West Winds in our Region are humid because they pass over a large Sea (R1:35-6).


Kt50:  Neuer Lehrbegriff der Bewegung und Ruhe und der damit verknüpften Folgerungen in den ersten Gründen der Naturwissenschaft, 1758, K2: 2.13-25. Extracts tr. G. Rabel, 1963, as Magister Immanuel Kant's New Doctrine of Motion and Rest and of the consequences attached to it in the first Principles of Natural Science, by which at the same time his lectures in the present half-year are announced (R1:37-9).


Kt51:  Versuch über die Krankheiten des Kopfes, 1764, K2:2.257-71. Extracts tr. J. Manolesco, 1969, as On the Diseases of the Mind (in his Kt18, pp.162-8), and G. Rabel, 1963 (R1:60).


Kt52:  Von dem ersten Grunde des Unterschiedes der Gegenden im Raume, 1768, K2:2.375-83. Tr. G.B. Kerferd and D.E. Walford, 1968, as Concerning the Ultimate Foundation of the Differentiation of Regions in Space (K5:36-43).

Tr. J. Handyside, 1928 (H2:17-29).


Kt53:  Über die Vulkane im Monde, 1785, K2:8.67-76. Tr. anonymously, 1799, as On the Volcanos in the Moon (R5:2.143-57).


Kt54:  Über den Gebrauch teleologischer Principien in der Philosophie, 1788, K2:8.157-84. Extracts tr. G. Rabel, 1963, as On the Use of the Teleological Principle in Philosophy (R1:184-9).


Kt55:  Etwas über den Einfluß des Mondes auf die Witterung, 1794, K2:8.315-24. Tr. anonymously, 1799, as Something on the Influence of the Moon on the Temperature of the Air (R5:2.79-91).


Kt56:  Physische Georaphie, based on lectures delivered between 1756-1796 (ed. F.T. Rink), K2:9.151-436. No English translation published.


   B. Philosophical Anthropology


Kt57:  Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen, 1764, K2:2.205-56. Tr. anonymously, 1799, as Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime (R5:2.1-78).

Tr. J.T. Goldthwait, 1960 (Berkeley: University of California Press).


Kt58:  Recension von Moscatis Schrift: Von dem körperlichen wesentlichen Unterschiede zwischen der Structur der Thiere und Menschen, 1771, K2:2.421-5. Extracts tr. G. Rabel, 1963, as Review of Moscati's Paper on the Difference in the Structure of Man and Animals (R1:95).


Kt59:  Von den verschiedenen Racen der Menschen, 1775, K2:2.427-43. Extracts tr. G. Rabel, 1963, as On the Different Races of Men with the Announcement of Lectures on Physical Geography (R1:98-100).


Kt60:  Idee zu einer allgemeinen Geschichte in weltbürgerlicher Absicht, 1784, K2:8.15-31. Tr. L.W. Beck, 1963, as Idea for a Universal His­tory from a Cosmopolitan Point of View (B10:11-26 and B15:415-25).

Tr. anony­mously, 1798 (R5:1.409-32); W. Hastie, 1891 (H6:1-29); C.J. Friedrich (in­complete), 1949 (F7:116-31); H.B. Nisbet, 1970 (N4:41-53); T. Humphrey, 1983 (H23:29-39).


Kt61:  Recensionen von J.G. Herders Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit, 1785, K2:8.43-66. Tr. R.E. Anchor, 1963, as Review of Herder's Ideas for a Philosophy of the History of Mankind (B10:27-52).

Tr. W. Hastie, 1891 (H6:1-29); H.B. Nisbet, 1991 (N4:201-20).


Kt62:  Bestimmung des Begriffs einer Menschenrace, 1785, K2:8.89-106. Extracts tr. G. Rabel, 1963, as Determination of the Concept of a Human Race (R1:150-2).


Kt63:  Muthmaßlicher Anfang der Menschengeschichte, 1786, K2:8.107-23. Tr. E.L. Frankenheim, 1963, as Conjectural Beginning of Human History (B10:53-68).

Tr. anonymously, 1798 (R5:1.315-38); T. Humphrey, 1983 (H23:49-59); H.B. Nisbet, 1991 (N4:221-34).


Kt64:Über das Mißlingen aller philosophischen Versuche in der Theodicee, 1791, K2:8.253-71. Tr. anonymously, 1799, as On the Failure of All the Philosophical Essays in the Theodicee (R5:2.189-215).

Tr. M. Despland, 1973 (D3:283-97).


Kt65:* Der Streit der Facultäten, 1798, K2:7.1-116. Tr. M.J. Gregor, 1979, as The Conflict of the Faculties (New York: Abaris); Part II tr. R.E. Anchor, 1963 (reprinted from B10:137-54).

Part II tr. H.B. Nisbet, 1970 (N4:177-90).


Kt66:  Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht, 1798, K2:7.117-333. Tr. M.J. Gregor, 1974, as Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff).

Tr. A.E. Kroeger, 1875f (St. Louis: American Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vols. 9f); W. Cerf (incomplete), 1963 (in his Kt7); V.L. Dowdell and H.H. Rudnick, 1978 (Southern Illinois University Press).


 * Kt65 could also be placed into sections II.2.A or II.1 of this Bibliography. I have placed it here because it sums up Kant's three main metaphysical interests [see note XI.3], just as philosophical anthropology sums up his three main Critical interests [see X.1].



III. Unpublished Writings


 1. Letters (volumes 10-13 of K2)


      In Z1 Zweig translates (in some cases extracts of) 97 of the most important letters to and from Kant, as preserved in volumes 10 and 11 of K2. Letters are also translated in smaller numbers in many other places, including A7:161-70, B15:81-4, K5:93f, R1:43,72-3,85,93-4,96-7,103,127,259-60,279, 356, S10:155-9,162 and Manolesco's transla­tion of Kt18 (pp.149-62). All references to Kant's letters cite the pagination of the first edition of K2:10-13. The second edition of K2 provides this earlier pagination in the margins.


 2. Handwritten Notes and Essays(volumes 14-23 of K2)


      The subjects of the 'Reflections' in these volumes of K2 are as follows:


      14 = Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Physical Geography.

      15 = Anthropology (2 vols.).

      16 = Knowledge and Reason.

      17 and 18 = Metaphysics.

      19 = Moral, Legal and Religious Philosophy.

      20 = Aesthetics, Metaphysics and Miscellaneous (including Kt7i).

      21 and 22 = Opus Postumum (Kt9).

      23 = Notes found in the margins of Kant's books.


There is nothing even close to a complete translation of these volumes of K2; but see A7:171-7 (cf. S7), B29:225-37 and the following:


Kt67:  Reflection 1525, K2:15.903-35. Tr. R. Meerbote, 1986, as 'Concern­ing Sensory Illusion and Poetic Fiction' (B14:202-13).

Kt68:  Reflection 1526, K2:15.939-53. Tr. M.J. Gregor, 1986, as 'On Philoso­phers' Medicine of the Body' (B14:228-38).

Kt69:  Welches sind die wirklichen Fortschritte, die die Metaphysik seit Leibnitzens und Wolf's Zeiten in Deutschland gemacht hat?, c.1791 (ed. F.T. Rink, 1804), K2:20.253-311. Tr. T.B. Humphrey, 1983, as Progress in Metaphysics (New York: Abaris Books).


 3. Reconstructions of Lectures (volumes 9, 24-29 of K2)


      The subjects of the lectures in these volumes of K2 are as follows:


       9 = Logic, Physical Geography and Pedagogy.

      24 = Logic (2 vols.).

      25 and 26 not yet available.

      27 = Moral Philosophy (3 vols.).

      28 = Metaphysics and Rational Theology (3 vols.).

29 = Minor Lectures and Sup­plements (2 vols.).

IV. Collections of Translations


      The most serious crime in two centuries of English-speaking Kant schol­arship is undoubtedly the lack of a single, uniform edition of Kant's Works in English translation. In place of such a uniform edition, Kant's writings have been presented in numer­ous bits and pieces, or smaller collections, sometimes strikingly different from each other. This crime is at the root of many of the other unfortunate tendencies in Kant scholarship, such as the tendency to overemphasize the role of Kt1 in Kant's System. Moreover, it has undoubted­ly intensified the lack of consensus among his interpreters. Rumor has it that a major university press is currently preparing an English translation of Kant's Works, so perhaps the scholarly world will not have to celebrate the second centenary of Kant's death with this scourge still on its record.

      In the meantime three names bear special mention as having filled this gap in different ways for English-speaking Kant scholars. Gabriele Rabel has provided an exhaustive collection in R1, translating nearly all of Kant's writings in a refreshing style which reveals his lively spirit far more effectively than the more 'scholarly' translations; unfortunately, R1 remains very incomplete, since it includes only short extracts. Lewis White Beck is undoubtedly the most renowned translator of Kant's writings, having translated (or significantly revised previous translations of) at least fourteen of Kant's published writings; unfortunately, these have been published in numerous different forms (see below) and have never been collected in a single, multi-volume edition. Until the previously mentioned project is published, the closest thing to an English edition of Kant's Works will continue to be R5, a two-volume work in which John Richardson anonymously trans­lated nineteen of Kant's most important 'essays and treatises'.* Unfortunately, though it contains transla­tions of some essays which to my knowledge have never been trans­lated elsewhere, this work, now nearing the second centenary of its publica­tion, has passed into virtual oblivion-to the extent that many English-speaking Kant scholars have never even heard of it, to say nothing of having access to a copy.

      The following list illustrates the need for a uniform English edition of Kant's works by specifying the contents of all the books I could find which con­tain original English translations of two or more of Kant's published writings and/or lectures (i.e., Kt1-Kt66). Though extensive, it is bound to be in­complete, espe­cially since it excludes not only the innumerable translations of single works, but also collections which merely gather previously translated works without sig­nifi­cant editing, such as T.M. Greene's Kant Selec­tions (London: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1957[1929]) and E. Behler's recent book, Immanuel Kant: Philosophical Writings (New York: Continuum Pub­lishing Co., 1986). All the works listed below are also listed (along with more complete bibliograph­ical information) in the 'Other Sources' part of this Bibli­ogra­phy, from which they derive the number-letter abbreviations given in the left-hand col­umn.


A1:    T.K. Abbott's Immanuel Kant's Critique of Practical Reason and Other Works on the Theory of Ethics (1873): Kt4, Kt5, Kt34 and extracts from Kt6 (Introductions), Kt8 (Book I) and Kt30.


A2:    T.K. Abbott's Kant's Introduction to Logic (1885): Kt10 and Kt14.


B4:    Lewis White Beck's Immanuel Kant: Critique of Practical Reason and Other Writings in Moral Philosophy (1949): Kt4, Kt5, Kt17, Kt20, Kt32, Kt34, Kt38  and extracts of Kt6.


B7:    Lewis White Beck's Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals (1959): Kt5 and Kt38.


B10:  Lewis White Beck's Kant On History (1963): Kt31, Kt32, Kt38, Kt60, Kt61, Kt63 and Part II of Kt65.


B14:  Lewis White Beck's Kant's Latin Writings (1986): Kt11, Kt12, Kt19, Kt44, Kt67 and Kt68.


B15:  Lewis White Beck's Kant Selections (1988): revisions of his pre­vious trans­lations of all of Kt5, Kt17, Kt38 and Kt60, most of Kt2, Kt32 and a 1772 letter to Herz, and extracts from Kt4; also most of Handy­side's Kt19 and extracts of Müller's Kt1 (revised) and Bernard's Kt7.


B22:  Raymond B. Blakney's An Immanuel Kant Reader (1960): short extracts, interspersed with commentary, of Kt1, Kt2, Kt4, Kt5 and Kt7 (not included in the listings of translations given above).


B29:  Edward Franklin Buchner's The Educational Theory of Immanuel Kant (1908): Kt39, extracts of Kt36, Kt37, Kt1 and some Reflections.


F7:    Carl J. Friedrich's The Philosophy of Kant (1949): most of Kt2, Kt5, Kt30, Kt32, Kt38 and Kt60; long extracts of Kt4, Mere­dith's Kt7 and G15's Kt8; and shorter extracts of Kt1, Kt18 and Kt57.


H2:   J. Handyside's Kant's Inaugural Dissertation and Early Writings on Space (1928): Kt19, Kt52 and extracts of Kt40.


H6:    William Hastie's Kant's Principles of Politics (1891): Kt30 (Parts II and III), Kt32 and Kt61.


H7:    William Hastie's Kant's Cosmogony (1900): Kt41 and most of Kt43.


H23:  Ted Humphrey's Perpetual Peace and Other Essays on Politics, History, and Morals (1983): Kt30, Kt31, Kt32, Kt38, Kt60 and Kt63.


K5:   G.B. Kerferd and D.E. Walford's Selected Pre-Critical Writings and Cor­respondence with Beck (1968): Kt17, Kt19, Kt52 and 19 letters.


N4:   H.B. Nisbet's Kant: Political Writings (1970 edition): Kt30, Kt32, Kt38, Kt60, Kt65 (Part II) and extracts from Kt6 and Kt1:373-4. The 1991 edition adds: Kt20, Kt61 and Kt63.


R1:    Gabriele Rabel's Kant (1963): extracts from nearly all of Kant's pub­lished writings and from 12 letters.


R5:    John Richardson's (anonymous) Essays and Treatises on Moral, Politi­cal, Religious and Various Philosophical Subjects, vol. 1 (1798): Kt5, Kt14, Kt17, Kt20, Kt28, Kt30, Kt32, Kt38, Kt60 and Kt63. Vol. 2 (1799): Kt8, Kt15, Kt23, Kt31, Kt46, Kt53, Kt55, Kt57 and Kt64.


R6:    John Richardson's Metaphysical Works of the Celebrated Immanuel Kant (1836): his 1819 translations of Kt2 and Kt10, along with an essay paraphrasing Kant's views on God.


W12:John Watson's The Philosophy of Kant2 (1908[1888]): long extracts of Kt1, Kt4, Kt5 and Kt7.

Greene, T.M., Kant Selections (London: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1957[1929]). Contains long extracts of Müller's Kt1, Abbott's Kt4 and Kt5, and Bernard's Kt7.

Hutchins' Kant (Encyclopedia, mentioned above): Contains Meiklejohn's Kt1; Abbott's Kt4, Kt5 and extracts from Kt6; Hastie's Kt6; and Meredith's Kt7.

Caldecott, Alfred and Mackintosh, H.R. (eds.), Selections from the Literature of Theism (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1904), Chapter VI, 'Religion in the Critical Philosophy'. Contains extracts from Kt1, Kt4 and Kt7.

Behler, E., Immanuel Kant: Philosophical Writings (New York: Continuum Publishing Co., 1986). Contains.... (available at CUHK, main library)

B22:  Raymond B. Blakney's An Immanuel Kant Reader (1960): short extracts, interspersed with commentary, of Kt1 (pp.4-6,11-4,16-20,22-36,38-41,43-55, etc. through 161; could call it: 4-6,11-161), Kt2 (pp.8-10), Kt4 (pp.204-42), Kt5 (pp.166-200) and Kt7 (pp.246-81) (not included in the listings of translations given above).


*Jaki refers to R5 in J1:232, but wrongly identifies the translator as A.F.M. Willich. Wallace correctly identifies the translator in W5:78. Jaki was proba­bly misled by the fact that the title page of R5 says it is translated 'by the translator of the Principles of Critical Philosophy'-a book by J.S. Beck, translated by John Richardson in 1798-whereas Willich published a book in the same year entitled Elements of the Critical Philosophy. Jaki's error could also have come from a misreading of the third footnote in the Preface to Meiklejohn's translation of Kt1. After mentioning Willich's book, Meiklejohn criticizes it, along with the writings of Richardson and several other early Kant scholars, calling the writers 'merely translators'. However, Meiklejohn is here refer­ring explicitly to the poor quality of their commentaries, not to the actual translations of Richardson and others.


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