Part Two: other Sources


This part of the Bibliography lists all works specifically referred to in this book. References are to page numbers unless otherwise specified. The Index includes a list of every page where a reference to each of these works appears. An asterisk (*) at the end of an entry indicates that, although I read the work in question and intended to incorporate critical comments, constraints of time and/or the allotted number of pages prevented me from including any direct references.


AA#:    Kants gesammelte Schriften, Preußischen Akademie der Wissen­schaften (eds.), 29 vols. (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1902-). The # after the ‘AA’ (Akademie Ausgabe) stands for the volume number, and is followed by page number(s); where relevant, the page number(s) of the translation quoted are also given in curved brackets.

Ad20:   Adickes, Erich (ed.), Kants Opus Postumum (Berlin: Rather & Reichard, 1920).

Ak91:   Akhutin, A.V., ‘Sophia and the Devil: Kant in the Face of Russian Religious Metaphysics’, Soviet Studies in Philosophy 29 (1991), pp.59-89.

Al76:    Allison, Henry, ‘Kant’s Refutation of Idealism’, Dialectica 30.2/3 (1976), pp.223-53.

Al85:    Allison, Henry, ‘The Originality of Kant’s Distinction between Analytic and Synthetic Judgments’, Richard Kennington (ed.), The Philosophy of Immanuel Kant (Washington D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1985), vol. 12 of Jude P. Dougherty (ed.), Studies in Philoso­phy and the History of Philosophy.

Al96:    Allison, Henry, ‘Reflections on the Banality of (Radical) Evil: A Kantian Analysis’, in Henry Allison, Idealism and Freedom: Essays on Kant’s Theoretical and Practical Philosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), pp.169-212.

Al60:    Alston, William P., ‘The Ontological Argument Revisited’ (Pl68:86-110); reprinted from The Philosophical Review 69 (1960).

An65:   Anselm, St., Proslogion. Tr. M.J. Charlesworth in St. Anselm’s Proslogion, (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1965), pp.101-55.

Ax89:    Axelsen, Diana E., ‘Kant’s Metaphor For Persons and Community’, Philosophy & Theology III.4 (Summer 1989), pp.301-21.

Ax94:    Axinn, Sidney, The Logic of Hope: Extensions of Kant’s View of Religion (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Editions Rodopi, 1994).

Ba68:    Baelz, Peter, Christian Theology and Metaphysics (London: Epworth Press, 1968).

Ba39:    Baillie, John, Our Knowledge of God (London: Oxford University Press, 1939).

Ba72:    Barth, Karl, Die Protestantische Theologie im 19. Jahrhundert, 1952. Tr. B. Cozens and J. Bowden as Protestant Theology in the Nineteenth Century (London: SCM Press Ltd, 1972).

Ba03:    Bax, Ernest Belfort, ‘Preface’, ‘A Biography of Kant’, and ‘Kant’s Position in Philosophy’, in his translation of Kt2 and Kt3, pp.i-vi, xi-lxxi, and lxxii-cix.

Be60:    Beck, Lewis White, A Commentary on Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason (London: The University of Chicago Press, 1960).

Be69:    Beck, Lewis White, Early German Philosophy (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969).

Be72:    Beck, Lewis White (ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Kant Congress (Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1972).

Be86:    Beck, Lewis White, Kant’s Latin Writings (New York: Peter Lang, 1986).

Be87:    Beck, Lewis White, review of G. Gawlick and L. Kreimendahl’s Hume in der deutschen Aufklärung, in Eighteenth-Century Studies (1987), pp.405-8.

Be92:    Beiser, Frederick C., ‘Kant’s Intellectual Development: 1746-1781’ (Gu92b:26-61).

Br53:     Broad, C.D., Religion, Philosophy and Psychical Research (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Limited, 1953).

Bu82:    Buchdahl, Gerd, ‘Reduction-Realization: A Key to the Structure of Kant’s Thought’, Philosophical Topics 12.2 (1982), pp.39-98.

Bu08:    Buchner, Edward Franklin, The Educational Theory of Immanuel Kant (London: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1908).

BP93:    Burgess, Andrew, Joseph Pickle and Hans Schwarz (eds.), Papers of the Nineteenth Century Theology Working Group, vol. 19 (Colorado Springs: The Colorado College, 1993).

Bu84:    Butts, Robert E., Kant and the Double Government Methodology: Supersensibility and Method in Kant’s Philosophy of Science (Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984).

By79:    Byrne, Peter, ‘Kant’s Moral Proof of the Existence of God’, Scottish Journal of Theology 32 (1979), pp.333-43.

Ca09:    Caird, Edward, The Critical Philosophy of Immanuel Kant,2 2 vols. (Glasgow: James Maclehouse and Sons, 1909[1889]).

Ca73:    Carmichael, Peter, ‘Kant and Jesus’, Philosophy and Phenomeno­logical Research 33.3 (Mar. 1973), pp.412-6.

Ca02:    Carus, Paul, ‘Kant’s Philosophy’, in his translation of Kt2, pp.165-240.

Ca81:    Cassirer, Ernst, Kants Leben und Lehre2, 1921(1918). Tr. J. Haden as Kant’s Life and Thought (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1981).

Ca88:    Cassirer, Heinrich Walter, Grace and Law: St. Paul, Kant, and the Hebrew prophets (Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.; Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1988).

Ch92:    Chapman, Mark D., ‘Apologetics and the Religious A Priori: The Use and Abuse of Kant in German Theology: 1900-20’, Journal of Theological Studies 43.2 (Oct. 1992), pp.470-510.

Co71:    Coburn, Robert C., ‘Animadversions on Plantinga’s Kant, Ratio 13 (1971), pp.19-29.

Co60a:  Collins, James, God in Modern Philosophy (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1960).

Co67:    Collins, James, The Emergence of Philosophy of Religion (London & New Haven: Yale University Press, 1967).

Co88:    Cooke, Vincent M., ‘Kant’s Godlike Self’, International Philosophi­cal Quarterly 28 (1988), pp.313-23.

Co60b: Copleston, Fredrick C., A History of Philosophy, vol. VI, Wolff to Kant (London: Burns and Oates Limited, 1960).

Co74:    Copleston, Frederick C., Religion and Philosophy (Dublin: Gill and Macmillan Ltd, 1974).

Cr96:     Crichlow, Harold E., ‘Kant and Hegel: Their Religious Philosophies Compared’, Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 33 (1996), pp.87-102.

Cr94:     Crosby, Donald A., ‘Kant’s Ideas about Ultimate Reality and Meaning in Relation to His Moral Theory: Critique of an Enlightenment Ideal’, Ultimate Reality and Meaning 17.2 (1994), pp.117-36.

Cu82:    Cupitt, Don, ‘Kant and the Negative Theology’ (HS82:55-67).

Cu98:    Cupitt, Don, Mysticism after Modernity (Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers, 1998).

Da93a:  Davidovich, Adina, ‘Kant’s Notion of Reflective Faith’ (BP93:20-40).

Da93b:  Davidovich, Adina, Religion as a Province of Meaning: The Kantian foundations of modern theology (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 1993).

Da93c: Davidovich, Adina, ‘Kant’s Theological Constructivism’, Harvard Theological Review 86 (1993), pp.323-51.

De94:    Dell’Oro, Regina O.M., From Existence to the Ideal: Continuity and Development in Kant’s Theology (New York: Peter Lang, 1994).

De70:    Descartes, Renè, Discours de la methode, 1637. Tr. E.S. Haldane and G.R.T. Ross as Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason, in The Philosophical Works of Descartes (London: The Cambridge University Press, 1970). References are to section and page numbers.

De73:    Despland, Michel, Kant on History and Religion (London and Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1973).

Di72:     Dister, John E., ‘Kant’s Regulative Ideas and the “Objectivity” of Reason’ (Be72:262-9).

Du89:   Du Prel, Carl, Die Philosophie der Mystik, 1885. Tr. C.C. Massey as The Philoso­phy of Mysticism, 2 vols. (London: George Redway, 1889); reprinted in 1976 (New York: Arno Press).

Du78:   Duerr, Hans Peter, Traumzeit: Über die Grenze zwischen Wildnis und Zivilisation, 1978. Tr. Felicitas Goodman as Dreamtime: Concerning the boundary between wilderness and civilization (Oxford: Basil Blackwell Ltd, 1985).

Ed94:    Eddy, Paul R., ‘Religious Pluralism and the Divine: Another Look at John Hick’s Neo-Kantian Proposal’, Religious Studies 30 (1994), pp.467-78.*

Ed79:    Edwards, Rem B., Reason and Religion (Washington D.C.: University Press of America, Inc., 1979).

El70:     Ellington, James, ‘The Unity of Kant’s Thought in His Philosophy of Corporeal Nature’ (Kt3:(135-218)).

En63:    Engel, S. Morris, ‘Kant’s “Refutation” of the Ontological Argument’, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 24.1 (Sept. 1963), pp.20-35.

En29:    England, F.E., Kant’s Conception of God (London: Allen & Unwin, 1929).

Es94:    Ess, Charles and Walter B. Gulick, ‘Kant and Analogy: Categories as Analogical Equivocals’, Ultimate Reality and Meaning 17.2 (1994), pp.89-99.

Fa96:    Fackenheim, Emil L., The God Within (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996).*

Fa67:    Fang, J., Kant-Interpretationen (Münster: Verlag Regensberg, 1967).

Fe90:    Fendt, Gene, For What May I Hope? (New York: Peter Lang, 1990).

Fe93     Fenves, Peter, ‘A Note on the Translation of Kant’ and ‘Introduction: The Topicality of Tone’, Raising the Tone of Philosophy: Late Essays by Immanuel Kant, Transformative Critique by Jacques Derrida (London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993), pp.ix-xii and 1-48.

Fi63:     Findlay, J.N., Language, Mind and Value (London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1963).

Fi76:     Findlay, J.N., ‘Kant Today’ (La76:3-16).

Fi81:     Findlay, J.N., Kant and the Transcendental Object (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1981).

Fi00:     Firestone, Christopher L., ‘Kant’s Two Perspectives on the Theological Task’, The International Journal for Systematic Theology 2.1 (Mar. 2000), pp.63-78. Quote taken from a 1998 draft.

Fl88:     Flesher, Paul V., ‘Structure and Argument: A Study of Immanuel Kant’s Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone’, Journal of Religious Studies 15.1/2 (1988), pp.119-30.

Fl66:     Flew, Antony, God & Philosophy (London: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd, 1966). References are to chapter and paragraph numbers.

Fl93a:   Florschütz, Gottlieb, Emanuel Swedenborgs mystisches Menschenbild und die Doppel­nature des Menschen bei Immanuel Kant, 1991. Tr. G.F. Dole as Swedenborg and Kant: Emanuel Swedenborg’s Mystical View of Humankind, and the Dual Nature of Humankind in Immanuel Kant (West Chester, Penn.: Swedenborg Foundation, 1993).

Fl93b:   Florschütz, Gottlieb, Swedenborgs verborgene Wirkung auf Kant, 1992. Tr. J.D. Odhner and K. Nemitz as Swedenborg’s Hidden Influence on Kant, in a series of installments published in The New Philosophy 96-98 (1993-95): vols. 96 (1993), pp.171-225,277-307; 97 (1994), pp.347-96,461-98; 98 (1995), pp.99-108; etc. References are to the chapter and section numbers of the original version.

Fo93:    Forgie, J. William, ‘Kant on the Relation Between the Cosmological and Ontological Arguments’, International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 34 (1993), pp.1-12.

Fo95:    Forgie, J. William, ‘The Cosmological and Ontological Arguments: How Saint Thomas Solved the Kantian Problem’, Religious Studies 31.1 (Mar. 1995), pp.89-100.

Fo88:    Forman, Robert K.C., ‘A Construction of Mystical Experience’, Faith and Philosophy 5.3 (July 1988), pp.254-67.

Fo99:    Forman, Robert K.C., Mysticism, Mind, Consciousness (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1999).

Fö87:    Förster, Eckart, ‘Is There “A Gap” in Kant’s Critical System?’, Journal of the History of Philosophy XXV.4 (Oct. 1987), pp.533-55.

Fö89:    Förster, Eckart, ‘Kant’s Notion of Philosophy’ The Monist 72.2 (Apr. 1989), pp.285-304.

Fö93:    Förster, Eckart, ‘Introduction’ (pp.xv-lvii) and ‘Factual notes’ (pp.257-88) to Kt9.

Fr86a:   Friedman, R.Z., ‘Kant and Kierkegaard: The Limits of Reason and the Cunning of Faith’, International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 19 (1986), pp.3-22.

Fr86b:   Friedman, R.Z., ‘Hypocrisy and the Highest Good: Hegel on Kant’s Transition from Morality to Religion’, Journal of the History of Philosophy 24 (1986), pp.503-22.

Fr49:     Friedrich, Carl J., ‘Preface’ and ‘Introduction’, The Philosophy of Kant (New York: Random House, 1949).

Fu74:    Funke, Gerhard (ed.), Akten des 4. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses: Mainz 6.-10. April 1974, vol. II (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1974).

Fu81:    Funke, Gerhard (ed.), Akten des 5. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses: Mainz 4.-8. April 1981, vol. 1 (Bonn: Bouvier Verlag Herbert Grund­mann, 1981).

FS89:    Funke, Gerhard, and Thomas M. Seebohm (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth Inter­national Kant Congress, 2 vols. (Washington, D.C.: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology & University Press of America, 1989-1991).

Fu91:    Funke, Gerhard (ed.), Akten des Siebenten Internationalen Kant-Kongresses: Kurfürstliches Schloss zu Mainz 1990, 2 vols. (Bonn: Bouvier, 1991).

Ga96:    Galbraith, Elizabeth Cameron, Kant and Theology: Was Kant a Closet Theologian? (London: International Scholars Publications, 1996).

Ga95:    Gass, Michael, ‘Kant on Moral Alienation in Religion’ (RB95:II.651-60).*

Ge69:    Genova, A.C., ‘Kant’s Three Critiques: A Suggested Analytical Framework’, Kant-Studien 60 (1969), pp.135-46.

Ge94:    Gerding, Johan L.F., ‘Was Kant a Sceptic?’, Proceedings of the Parapsychological Association’s 37th Annual Convention, ed. Dick J. Bierman (Utrecht: The Parapsy­chological Association, 1994).

Gi89:     Gibbs, Robert, ‘Fear of Forgiveness: Kant and the Paradox of Mercy’, Philosophy and Theology, III.4 (Summer 1989), pp.323-34.

Gi37:     Gilson, Étienne, The Unity of Philosophical Experience (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1937).

Gi41:     Gilson, Étienne, God and Philosophy (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1941).

Go89:    Godlove, Terry F., Religion, Interpretation and Diversity of Belief: The Framework Model from Kant to Durkheim to Davidson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989).

Go71:    Goldmann, Lucien, Introduction à la philosophie de Kant,2 1967. Tr. Robert Black as Immanuel Kant (London: NLB, 1971).

Gg93:  Green, Garrett, ‘Kant’s Christian Apologetic’ (BP93:1-19).

Gr78:     Green, Ronald M., Religious Reason: The Rational and Moral Basis of Religious Belief (New York: Oxford University Press, 1978).

Gr89:     Green, Ronald M., ‘The Leap of Faith: Kierkegaard’s Debt to Kant’, Philosophy and Theology 3 (1989), pp.385-411.

Gr93:     Green, Ronald M., ‘Kierkegaard’s Great Critique: Either/Or as a Kantian Transcenden­tal Deduction’ (BP93:91-103).

Gr34:     Greene, Theodore M., ‘The Historical Context and Religious Signifi­cance of Kant’s Religion’ (Kt8:ix-lxxviii).

GH34:   Greene, Theodore M. and Hoyt H. Hudson, ‘Translators’ Preface’ to Kt8 (1934), pp.cxxxv-cxxxvii.

Gm79:   Gregor, Mary J., ‘Translator’s Introduction’ to Kt65 (1979), pp.vii-xxxiv.

Gr95:     Grier, Michelle, ‘Kant’s Rejection of Rational Theology’ (RB95: II/2.641-50).*

Gu94:    Gulick, Walter B., ‘The Creativity of the Intellect: From Ontology to Meaning. The Transmutation of the Sensible and Intelligible Worlds in Kant’s Critical Thought’, Ultimate Reality and Meaning 17.2 (1994), pp.99-108.

Gu87:    Gulyga, Arsenij, Kant, 1985. Tr. Marijan Despalatovic as Immanuel Kant: His Life and Thought (Boston: Birkhäuser, 1987).

Gu92a:  Guyer, Paul, ‘Introduction: The starry heavens and the moral law’ (Gu92b:1-25).

Gu92b: Guyer, Paul (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Kant (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992).

Ha90a: Habib, M.A.R., ‘The Prayers of Childhood: T.S. Eliot’s Manuscripts on Kant’, Journal of the History of Philosophy 51 (1990), pp.93-113.*

Ha83:    Hand, William B., ‘The Sublime and God in Kant’s Critique of Judgement’, The New Scholasticism 57 (1983), pp.42-70.

Ha94:    Hare, John E., book review of RW91 in Faith and Philosophy 11.1 (Jan. 1994), pp.138-44.

Ha96:    Hare, John E., The Moral Gap: Kantian Ethics, Human Limits, and God’s Assistance (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996).

Ha90b: Hart, James G., ‘Divine Truth in Husserl and Kant: Some Issues in Phenomeno­log­i­cal Theology’, D. Guerrière (ed.), Phenomenology of the Truth Proper to Religion, (Albany: SUNY Press, 1990), pp.221-46.

Ha41:    Hartshorne, Charles, ‘The Necessarily Existent’ (Pl68:123-35); reprinted from Man’s Vision of God (Harper & Row, Inc., 1941).

Ha65:    Hartshorne, Charles, Anselm’s Discovery: A Re-Examination of the Ontological Proof for God’s Existence (Lasalle, Ill.: Open Court Publishing Company, 1965).

HR53:   Hartshorne, Charles and William L. Reese, Philosophers Speak of God (London: The University of Chicago Press, 1953).

HS82:   Hebblethwaite, Brian and Stewart Sutherland (eds.), The Philosophical Frontiers of Christian Theology (London: Cambridge University Press, 1982).

He49:    Hedge, Frederic H., Prose Writers of Germany,2 (Philadelphia: Carey and Hart, 1849[1847]).

He29:   Heidegger, Martin, Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik, 1929. Tr. J.S. Churchill as Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics (London: Indiana University Press, 1962).

He59:    Heine, Heinrich, Zur Geschichte der Religion und Philosophie in Deutschland, 1834. Tr. J. Snodgrass as Religion and Philosophy in Germany (Boston: Beacon Press, 1959).

He57:    Hendel, C.W. (ed.), The Philosophy of Kant and our Modern World (New York: The Liberal Arts Press, 1957).

Hi74:     Hicks, Joe H., ‘Old Lampe’s Consolation: Ruminations on Kantian Piety’ (Fu74:381-7).

Hi86:     Hintikka, Jaako, ‘Kant on Existence, Predication, and the Ontological Argument’, J. Hintikka and S. Knuttila (eds.), The Logic of Being (Dordrecht: Reidel, 1986).*

Ho75:   Holmes, Arthur F., Philosophy: A Christian Perspective2 (Downers Grove, Ill.: Inter-Varsity Press, 1975[1963]).

Hu81:   Hunter, Paula Blanche, Architectonic and Critical Philosophy (Davis: University of California Ph.D. Dissertation, 1981).

HA52:  Hutchins, Robert Maynard, and Mortimer J. Adler (eds.), Great Books of the Western World, vol. 42, ‘Kant’ (Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 1952).

Ig81:     Ignatius M. du Plessis, Samuel, ‘The Double Manifestation of Subjec­tivity in Kant’s System in the Critique of Pure Reason’ (Fu81:753-62).

Ja81:     Jaki, Stanley L., ‘Introduction’ and ‘Notes’ to his 1981 transla­tion of Kt43, pp.1-76 and 209-97.

Ja84:     Jantzen, Grace M., God’s World God’s Body (London: Darton, Longmann and Todd, 1984).

Jo96:     Johnson, Gregory R., ‘Kant on Swedenborg in the Lectures on Metaphysics: Part 1, 1760s-1770s’, Studia Swedenborgiana 10.1 (Oct. 1996), pp.1-38.

Jo97:     Johnson, Gregory R., ‘Kant on Swedenborg in the Lectures on Metaphysics: Part 2’, Studia Swedenborgiana 10.2 (May 1997), pp.11-39.

Jo67:     Jonsson, Inge, ‘Swedenborg, Emanuel’, The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. Paul Edwards (London: Collier Macmillan Publishers, 1967), vol.8, p.47.

Ju83:     Jung, Carl Gustav, Erinnerungen, Träume, Gedanken, 1961. Tr. R. and C. Winston as Memories, Dreams, Reflections, ed. A. Jaffé (London: Fontana Paperbacks, 1983).

Ke23:    Kemp Smith, Norman, A Commentary to Kant’s ‘Critique of Pure Reason’2 (London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd, 1923[1918]).

Ki88:     Kim, Chin-Tai, ‘A Critique of Kant’s Defense of Theistic Faith’, Philosophy Research Archives 14 (1988-89), pp.359-69.

Ki95:     Kinnaman, Ted, ‘Kant’s Transcendental Deduction of the Ideas of Pure Reason’ (RB95:II.303-9).*

Kl52:     Klinke, Willibald, Kant für Jedermann, 1949. Tr. M. Bullock as Kant For Everyman (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1952).

Kr94:    Krantz, Susan F., review of KSP1 in The Review of Metaphysics 48.2 (Dec. 1994), pp.419-21.

Kr56:    Kroner, Richard, Kants Weltanschaaung, 1914. Tr. John E. Smith as Kant’s Weltanschaaung (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1956).

Kr61:    Kroner, Richard, Speculation and Revelation in Modern Philosophy (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1961).

KSP1-4: see Palmquist, below.

Ku83:   Kuehn, Manfred, ‘Kant’s Conception of “Hume’s Problem’, Journal of the History of Philosophy 21.2 (Apr. 1983), pp.175-93.

Ku85:   Kuehn, Manfred, ‘Kant’s Transcendental Deduction of God’s Existence as a Postulate of Pure Practical Reason’, Kant-Studien 76.2 (1985), pp.152-69.

Kw83:   Kwan, Tze-wan, ‘Kant’s “Humanistic” Conception of Religion’, Tunghai Journal 24 (June 1983), pp.95-118.

Kw84:   Kwan, Tze-wan, ‘The Idea of God in Kant’s Moral Theology’, Tunghai Journal 25 (June 1984), pp.261-86.

La76:    Labèrge, Pierre, et. al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Ottawa Congress on Kant in the Anglo-American and Continental Traditions Held October 10-14, 1974 (Ottawa: The University of Ottawa Press, 1976).

La93:    Laywine, Alison, Kant’s Early Metaphysics and the Origins of the Critical Philosophy (Atascadero, Ca.: Ridgeview Publishing Company, 1993).

Le90:    Lear, Jonathan, Love and Its Place in Nature: A philosophical interpretation of Freudian psychoanalysis (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1990).

Le89:    Lenk, Hans, ‘Sociomorphic Arguments for a Moral God: Kant’s Second and Third Moral Arguments for the Postulate of God’s Existence’, Man and World 22 (1989), pp.97-111.

Le65:    Lewis, H.D., Philosophy of Religion (London: The English Universities Press Ltd, 1965).

Li95:     Liu, Quanhua, ‘The Problem of Self-Intuition and Kant’s Solution’ (RB95:II.217-26).*

Lo81:    Loades, Ann, ‘Immanuel Kant’s Humanism’, in Keith Robbins (ed.), Religion and Humanism (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1981), pp.297-310.

Lu83:    Luik, J.C., ‘The Ambiguity of Kantian Faith’, Scottish Journal of Theology 36 (1983), p.339-46.

MM90: MacDonald Ross, George, and Tony McWalter (eds.), Kant and His Influence (Bristol: Thoemmes Antiquarian Books Ltd, 1990).

Ma68:   MacKinnon, Donald M., Borderlands of Theology and Other Essays (London: Lutterworth, 1968).

Ma74:   MacKinnon, Donald M., ‘Coleridge on Kant’, in John Beer (ed.), Coleridge’s Variety (London: The Macmillan Press Ltd, 1974).

Ma75:   MacKinnon, Donald M., ‘Kant’s Philosophy of Religion’, Philosophy L (1975), pp.131-44.

Ma78:   MacKinnon, Donald M., ‘Some Epistemological Reflections on Mystical Experi­ence’, in Steven Katz (ed.), Mysticism and Philosophical Analysis (New York: Oxford University Press, 1978).

Ma79:   MacKinnon, Donald M., Explorations in Theology 5 (London: SCM Press Ltd, 1979).

Ma90a: MacKinnon, Donald M., ‘Aspects of Kant’s Influence on British Theology’ (MM90: 348-66).

Ma90b: Macquarrie, John, Jesus Christ in Modern Thought (London: SCM Press, 1990).

Ma86:   Makkreel, Rudolf A., ‘Tradition and Orientation in Hermeneutics’, Research in Phenomenology 16 (1986), pp.73-85.

Ma90c: Makkreel, Rudolf A., Imagination and Interpretation in Kant: The hermeneutical import of the Critique of Judgment (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990).

Ma60:   Malcolm, Norman, ‘Malcolm’s Statement of Anselm’s Ontological Arguments’, in Pl68:136-59; reprinted from The Philosophical Review 69 (1960).

Ma69:   Manolesco, John, ‘Translator’s Preface’, ‘Introduction’, and ‘Commentary on the Dreams of a Spirit Seer’, in his translation of Kt18, pp.5-8,13-28,99-146.

Ma58:   Mansel, Henry Longueville, The Limits of Religious Thought (Oxford: John Murray, 1858).

Ma55:   Martin, Gottfried, Immanuel Kant, Ontologie und Wissenschafts­theorie, 1951. Tr. P.G. Lucas as Kant’s Metaphysics and Theory of Science (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1955).

Mc82:   McCarthy, Vincent A., ‘Christus as Chrestus in Rousseau and Kant’, Kant-Studien 73 (1982), pp.191-207.

Mc86:   McCarthy, Vincent A., Quest for a Philosophical Jesus: Christianity and Philosophy in Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, and Schelling (Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 1986).

Mc95:   McCarty, Richard, ‘Moral Weakness as Self-Deception’ (RB95:II.587-94).*

Mc70:   McFarland, John D., Kant’s Concept of Teleology (Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, 1970).

Mc88:   McGrath, Alister E., Justification by Faith: What it means to us today (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1988).

Mc94:   McRobert, Jennifer, review of KSP1, in Canadian Philosophical Reviews XIV.2 (Apr. 1994), pp.119-21.

Mi79:    Michalson, Gordon E., The Historical Dimensions of a Rational Faith (Washington D.C.: University Press of America, Inc., 1979).

Mi86:    Michalson, Gordon E., ‘The Non-Moral Element in Kant’s “Moral Proof” of the Existence of God’, Scottish Journal of Theology 39 (1986), pp.501-15.

Mi89:    Michalson, Gordon E., ‘Moral Regeneration and Divine Aid in Kant’ Religious Studies 25.3 (Sept. 1989), pp.259-70.

Mi90:    Michalson, Gordon E., Fallen Freedom: Kant on radical evil and moral regeneration (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990).

Mi93:    Michalson, Gordon E., ‘The Problem of Salvation in Kant’s Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone’ (BP93:41-54).

Mo74:  Moltmann, Jürgen, ‘The Cross and Civil Religion’, Jürgen Moltmann, et. al. (eds.), Religion and Political Society (London: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1974), pp.14-47.

Mo93:  Moody, Raymond L. with Paul Perry, Reunions: Visionary encounters with departed loved ones (New York: Ballantine Books, 1993).

Mo94:  Morrison, Roy D., Science, Theology and the Transcendental Horizon: Einstein, Kant and Tillich (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1994).

Mu91:  Mulholland, Leslie A., ‘Freedom and Providence in Kant’s Account of Religion: The Problem of Expiation’ (RW91:77-102).*

Mu87:  Murphy, Jeffrey G., ‘Kantian Autonomy and Divine Commands’, Faith and Philosophy 4 (1987), pp.276-81.*

Ni70:     Niebuhr, H. Richard, Radical Monotheism and Western Culture2 (New York: Harper & Row, 1970[1943]).

No73:   Norburn, Greville, ‘Kant’s Philosophy of Religion: A Preface to Christology?’, Scottish Journal of Theology 26 (1973), pp.431-48.

Nu93:   Nuyen, A.T., ‘On Interpreting Kant’s Architectonic in Terms of the Hermeneutic Model’, Kant-Studien 84 (1993), pp.154-66.

Nu94:   Nuyen, A.T., ‘Kant on God, Immortality, and the Highest Good’, The Southern Journal of Philosophy 32 (1994), pp.121-33.

Oa73:    Oakes, Robert A., ‘Noumena, Phenomena, and God’, International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 4 (1973), pp.30-8.

Od91:   Odero, José Miguel, ‘Cognitive Faith in Kant’ (Fu91:267-71).

Od95:   Odero, José Miguel, ‘Methodological Considerations for the Study of the Kantian Philosophy of Religion’ (RB95:II.633-40).*

Om06:   Oman, John, The Problem of Faith and Freedom in the Last Two Centuries (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1906).

Ot50:    Otto, Rudolph, Das Heilige, 1917. Tr. J.W. Harvey as The Idea of the Holy: An inquiry into the non-rational factor in the idea of the divine and its relation to the rational2 (London: Oxford University Press, 1950[1923]).

KSP1:   Palmquist, Stephen R., Kant’s System of Perspectives (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1993). Text also available at

KSP2:   Palmquist, Stephen R., Kant’s Critical Religion (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000). First sequel to KSP1.

KSP3:   Palmquist, Stephen R., Kant’s Critical Science (in preparation). Projected second sequel to KSP1.

KSP4:   Palmquist, Stephen R., Kant’s Critical Politics (in preparation). Projected third sequel to KSP1.

Pa86:    Palmquist, Stephen, ‘Is Duty Kant’s “Motive” for Moral Action?’, Ratio 28.2 (Dec. 1986), pp.168-74.

Pa87a:  Palmquist, Stephen, A Complete Index to Kemp Smith’s Translation of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason (Oxford and Hong Kong: distributed privately, 1987).

Pa87b:  Palmquist, Stephen, ‘Kant’s Cosmogony Re-Evaluated’, Studies in History and Philo­sophy of Science 18.3 (Sept. 1987), pp.255-69.

Pa87c:  Palmquist, Stephen, ‘Kant’s Cosmogony Re-Evaluated’, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 18:3 (Sept. 1987), pp.255-69.

Pa87d:  Palmquist, Stephen, ‘A Priori Knowledge in Perspective: (II) Naming, Necessity and the Analytic A Posteriori’, The Review of Metaphysics 41:2 (Dec. 1987), pp.255-82.

Pa89:    Palmquist, Stephen, ‘Immanuel Kant: A Christian Philosopher?’, Faith and Philosophy 6:1 (Jan. 1989), pp.65-75.

Pa90:    Palmquist, Stephen, ‘Kant on Euclid: Geometry in Perspective’, Philosophia Mathematica II 5:1/2 (1990), pp.88-113.

Pa92a:  Palmquist, Stephen, ‘Analysis and Synthesis in the Geometry of Logic’, Indian Philosophical Quarterly 19:1 (Jan. 1992), pp.1-14.

Pa92b:  Palmquist, Stephen, ‘Kant’s “Appropriation” of Lampe’s God’, Harvard Theological Review 85:1 (Jan. 1992), pp.85-108.

Pa92c:  Palmquist, Stephen, ‘Does Kant Reduce Religion to Morality?’, Kant-Studien 83:2 (1992), pp.129-48.

Pa93:    Palmquist, Stephen, Biblical Theocracy: A vision of the biblical foundations for a Christian political philosophy (Hong Kong: Philopsychy Press, 1993).

Pa94a:  Palmquist, Stephen, ‘Triangulating God: A Kantian Rejoinder to Perovich’, Faith and Philosophy 11.2 (Apr. 1994), pp.302-10.

Pa94b: Palmquist, Stephen, “The Kingdom of God is at Hand!” (Did Kant really say that?)’, History of Philosophy Quarterly 11:4 (Oct. 1994), pp.421-37.

Pa94c:   Palmquist, Stephen, Four Neglected Essays by Immanuel Kant (Hong Kong: Philopsychy Press, 1994).

Pa95a:  Palmquist, Stephen, ‘Kant-Studies in the Hong Kong Philosophical Context’, in RB95:I/3.1257-71.

Pa95b:  Palmquist, Stephen, book review of Go89 in Kant-Studien 86 (1995), pp.365-9.

Pa97:    Palmquist, Stephen, Dreams of Wholeness (Hong Kong: Philopsychy Press, 1997).

Pa98:    Palmquist, Stephen, book review of De94 in Kant-Studien 89 (1998), pp.109-13.

Pa99:    Palmquist, Stephen, The Geometry of Logic (unpublished revision of 1986 draft; text available without diagrams at

Pa00a:   Palmquist, Stephen, The Tree of Philosophy4 (Hong Kong: Philopsychy Press, 2000[1992]).

Pa00b: Palmquist, Stephen, book review of Ha96 in Kant-Studien (forthcoming, c.2000).

Pa67:    Paton, H.J., The Categorical Imperative6 (London: Hutchinson, 1967[1947]).

Pa02:    Paulsen, Friedrich, Immanuel Kant: Sein Leben und seine Lehre, 1898. Tr. J.E. Creighton and Albert Lefèbvre as Immanuel Kant: His Life and Doctrine (New York: Fredrick Unger Publishing Co., 1902).

Pe72:    Peccorini, Francisco L., ‘Transcendental Apperception and Genesis of Kant’s Theolog­ical Conviction’, Giornale di Metafisica 27 (1972), pp.43-65.

Pe80:    Pelegrinis, T.N., Kant’s Conceptions of the Categorical Imperative and the Will (London: Zeno Booksellers & Publishers, 1980).

Pe92:    Perovich, Anthony N., ‘Kant A Christian? A Reply to Palmquist’, Faith and Philosophy 9.1 (Jan. 1992), pp.95-104.

Pe93:    Peters, Curtis H., Kant’s Philosophy of Hope (New York: Peter Lang, 1993).

Pl61:     Plantinga, Alvin, ‘A Valid Ontological Argument?’, (Pl68:160-71); reprinted from The Philosophical Review 70 (1961).

Pl68:     Plantinga, Alvin (ed.), The Ontological Argument (London: Macmillan, 1968).*

Qu86:   Quinn, Philip L., ‘Christian Atonement and Kantian Justification’, Faith and Philosophy 3 (1986) pp.440-62.

Qu90:   Quinn, Philip L., ‘Saving Faith from Kant’s Remarkable Antinomy’, Faith and Philosophy 7 (1990), pp.418-33.*

Ra63:    Rabel, Gabriele (ed.), Kant (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1963).

Ra75:    Raschke, Carl A., Moral Action, God, and History in the Thought of Immanuel Kant (Missoula, Montana: Scholars Press and American Academy of Religion, 1975).

Re88:    Reardon, Bernard M.G., Kant As Philosophical Theologian (Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Nobles Books, 1988).

Re84:    Reiser, William E., Into the Needle’s Eye: Becoming poor and hopeful under the care of a gracious God (Notre Dame: Ave Maria Press, 1984).

Ri87:     Ricoeur, Paul, ‘The Theological and Deontological Structures of Action: Aristotle and/or Kant’, Philosophy 21 (87 Supplement), pp.99-111.*

RB95:     Robinson, Hoke, and Gordon Brittan (eds.), Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress, 2 vols. (Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1995).

Ro74:    Rohatyn, Dennis A., ‘Kant’s “Disproof” of God’, Sophia 13.2 (July 1974), pp.30-1.

Ro58:    Rose, H.J., Gods & Heroes of the Greeks (New York: The World Publishing Company, 1958).

Ro89:    Rossi, Philip J., ‘Evil and the Power of God’ (FS89:II/2.369-82).

Ro91:           Rossi, Philip J., ‘Moral Struggle and Moral Conversion in Kant’s Religion’ (Fu91:II/2.283-93).

Ro93:    Rossi, Philip J., ‘The Social Consequences of “Radical Evil’ (BP93:55-70).

Ro95:    Rossi, Philip, ‘The Social Authority of Reason: The “True Church” as the Locus for Moral Progress’ (RB95:II.679-85).*

RW91: Rossi, Philip J. and Michael Wreen (eds.), Kant’s Philosophy of Religion Reconsidered (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1991).

Ru91:    Runzo, Joseph, ‘Kant on Reason and Justified Belief in God’ (RW91:22-39).*

Ru46:    Russell, Bertrand, History of Western Philosophy (London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd, 1946).

Sa91:    Savage, Denis, ‘Kant’s Rejection of Divine Revelation and His Theory of Radical Evil’ (RW91:54-76).*

Sc93:    Scharf, Uwe C., ‘Are Humans Inherently Evil? How Kant’s Election of “Human Propensity to Evil” in Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone (1793) over “Human Perfectibility” in Lectures on Philosophical Theology (1784) Jeopardizes His Vision of Morality as Rational Religion’ (BP93:71-90).

Sc78:    Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von, System des transzendentalen Idealismus, 1800. Tr. Peter Heath as System of Transcendental Idealism (Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1978).

Sc55:    Schleiermacher, Friedrich Daniel Ernst, Über die Religion, 1799. Tr. J. Oman as On Religion: Speeches to Its Cultured Despisers, abridged by E.G. Waring (New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Company, 1955).

Sc72:    Schmucker, Josef, ‘On the Development of Kant’s Transcendental Theology’ (Be72:495-500).

Sc51a:  Schrader, George, ‘Kant’s Presumed Repudiation of the “Moral Argument” in the Opus Postumum: An Examination of Adickes’ Interpretation’, Philosophy 26 (1951), pp.228-41.

Sc95:    Schuler, Jeanne, ‘Reasonable Hope: Kant as Critical Theorist’ (RB95:II.901-8).*

Sc31:    Schweitzer, Albert, Die Mystik des Apostels Paulus, 1930. Tr. W. Montgomery as The Mysticism of Paul the Apostle (London: A. & C. Black, Ltd, 1931).

Sc51b: Schweitzer, Albert, Die Weltanschauung der Indischen Denken: Mystik und Ethik, 1935. Tr. C.E.B. Russell as Indian Thought and Its Development (London: A. & C. Black, Ltd, 1951).

Sc75:    Schweizer, Eduard, The Good News According to Matthew, tr. D.E. Green (Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1975).

Se74:    Seigfried, Charlene Haddock, ‘The Radical Evil in Human Nature’ (Fu74:605-13).

Se71:    Settle, Tom, ‘Kant Versus Bultmann on Miracles’, Dialogue 10.2 (June 1971), pp.342-6.

Se00:    Sewall, Frank, ‘Preface’ (pp.vii-xi), ‘Introduction’ (pp.1-33) and ‘Appendices’ (pp.123-62) to Kt18 (tr. Goerwitz).

Sh86:    Shea, W.R., ‘Filled with Wonder: Kant’s Cosmological Essay, the Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens’, in Robert E. Butts (ed.), Kant’s Philosophy of Physical Science: metaphysische Anfangsgrunde der Naturwissenschaft 1786-1986 (Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1986), pp.95-124.

Si60:     Silber, John R., ‘The Ethical Significance of Kant’s Religion’ and ‘Preface to the Second Edition of This Translation’  in Kt8 (1960), pp.lxxix-cxxxiv,cxxxix-cxlii.

Si92:     Siu, Paul Y.C., ‘Kant’s Moral Christology in Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone’, Asia Journal of Theology 6.1 (Apr. 1992), pp.169-82.*

Sm55:   Smart, J.J.C., ‘The Existence of God’ in A. Flew and A. MacIntyre (eds.), New Essays in Philosophical Theology (London: SCM Press Ltd, 1955), pp.28-46.

Sm69:   Smart, Ninian, Philosophers and Religious Truth2 (London: SCM Press, 1969 [1964]). References are to chapter and paragraph numbers.

Sm68:   Smith, John E., Experience and God (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1968).

So86:    Sokol, Moshe Z., ‘The Autonomy of Reason, Revealed Morality and Jewish Law’, Religious Studies 22 (1986), pp.423-37.

Sp91:    Sparn, Walter, ‘Kant’s Doctrine of Atonement as a Theory of Subjectivity’ (RW91:103-12).*

St60:     Stace, Walter Terence, Mysticism and Philosophy (London: Macmillan, 1960).

St75:     Stelzmann, Rainulf A., ‘Kantian Faith in Musil’s Tonka’, The Germanic Review 50 (1975), pp.294-304.*

St44:     Stevenson, Charles, Language and Ethics (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1944).

Su71:    Sullivan, William J., ‘Kant on the Existence of God in the Opus Postumum’, The Modern Schoolman 48.2 (Jan. 1971), pp.117-33.

Sw74:   Swinburne, Richard, The Existence of God (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974).

Sy82:    Sykes, S.W., ‘Theological Study: The Nineteenth Century and After’ (HS82:95-118).

Ta68:    Tarbet, David W., ‘The Fabric of Metaphor in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason’, Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (1968), pp.257-70.

Te94:    Temple, Denis, ‘Kant’s Vision of the Moral Hero and the “Laws of Arithmetic’, Ultimate Reality and Meaning 17.2 (1994), pp.108-17.

Th70:    Thomas, S.B., ‘Jesus and Kant: A Problem in Reconciling Two Different Points of View’, Mind 79 (1970), pp.188-99.

Th95:    Thompson, Kevin, ‘The Antinomy of Teleological Judgment and the Concept of an Intuitive Intellect: Transformation and Conflict’ (RB95: II.445-52).*

Ti51:     Tillich, Paul, Systematic Theology, 3 vols. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1951, 1957, 1963).

Ti52:     Tillich, Paul, The Courage To Be, (London: The Fontana Library, 1952).

Ti74:     Tillich, Paul, Mystik und Schuldbewusstsein in Schellings philosophischer Entwick­lung, 1912. Tr. Victor Nuovo as Mysticism and Guilt-Consciousness in Schelling’s Philosophical Development (London: Associated University Press, 1974).

Tr79:     Treash, Gordon, ‘Introduction’ to Kt15 (1979), pp.9-39.

Tr89:     Treloar, John L., ‘The Crooked Wood of Humanity: Kant’s Struggle With Radical Evil’, Philosophy and Theology 3 (1989), pp.335-53.

Ts98:    Tsang, Lap-Chuen, The Sublime: Groundwork towards a theory (Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 1998).

Un55:   Underhill, Evelyn, Mysticism: A study in the nature and development of man's spiritual consciousness (New York: New American Library, 1974[1955]).

Va81:    Vaihinger, Hans, Commentar zu Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft, 2 vols. (Stuttgart: Verlag von W. Spemann, 1881-1892).

Ve85:    Velkley, Richard L., ‘On Kant’s Socratism’, The Philosophy of Immanuel Kant, ed. Richard Kennington (Washington D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1985).

Vi70:     Vick, George R., ‘Existence Was A Predicate For Kant’, Kant-Studien 61.3 (1970), pp.357-71.

Vl62:     Vleeschauwer, Herman-J. de, L’evolution de la pensee Kantienne, 1939. Tr. A.R.C. Duncan as The Development of Kantian Thought (London: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd, 1962).

Vo91:    Von Schoenborn, Alexander, ‘Kant’s Philosophy of Religion Reconsidered: Reason, Religion, and the Unfinished Business of the Enlightenment’, Philosophy and Theology 6 (1991), pp.101-16.

Vo88:    Vossenkuhl, Wilhelm, ‘The Paradox in Kant’s Rational Religion’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 88 (1987-88), pp.179-92.

Wa01:  Wallace, William, Kant (London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1901).

Wa63a: Walsh, W.H., ‘Kant’s Moral Theology’, Proceedings of the British Academy 49 (1963), pp.263-89.

Wa63b: Walsh, W.H., Metaphysics (London: Hutchinson University Library, 1963).

Wa67:  Walsh, W.H., ‘Kant, Immanuel’, The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. Paul Edwards (London: Collier Macmillan Publishers, 1967), vol.4, pp.305-24.

Wa75:  Walsh, W.H., Kant’s Criticism of Metaphysics (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1975).

Wa90:  Walsh, W.H., Towards an Interpretation of Kant (Birmingham: Words & Images, n.d.[c.1990]).

Wa72:  Ward, Keith, The Development of Kant’s View of Ethics (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1972).

We26:  Webb, Clement C.J., Kant’s Philosophy of Religion (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1926).

We88:  Weiler, Gershon, Jewish Theocracy (Leiden: Brill, 1988).

We80:  Werkmeister, W.H., Kant: The Architectonic and Development of His Philosophy (London: Open Court, 1980).

Wh90:  White, Roger M., “Ought” Implies “Can”: Kant and Luther, A Contrast’ (MM90:1-72).

Wi80:   Wiebe, Don, ‘The Ambiguous Revolution: Kant on the Nature of Faith’, Scottish Journal of Theology 33 (1980), pp.515-32.

Wi98:   Willich, A.F.M., Elements of the Critical Philosophy (London: T.N. Longman, 1798).

Wi73:   Wink, Walter, The Bible in Human Transformation: Toward a new paradigm for biblical study (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1973).

Wi90:   Wisnefske, Ned, Our Natural Knowledge of God: A Prospect for Natural Theology after Kant and Barth (New York: Peter Lang, 1990).

Wo60:  Wolff, R.P., ‘Kant’s Debt to Hume Via Beattie’ Journal of the History of Ideas 21 (1960), pp.117-23.

Wn91:  Wolterstorff, Nicholas P., ‘Conundrums in Kant’s Rational Religion (RW91:40-53).*

Wo95:  Wong, Wing-Chun, ‘Kant’s Conception of Ether as a Field in the Opus Postumum’ (RB95:II.405-12).

Wo94:  Woo, Pak Chuen Patrick, God and Evil: A Study of Theodicy with Special Reference to Immanuel Kant (thesis for Honours Degree at Hong Kong Baptist University, 1994).

Wo70:  Wood, Allen W., Kant’s Moral Religion (London: Cornell University Press, 1970).

Wo78:  Wood, Allen W., Kant’s Rational Theology (London: Cornell University Press, 1978).

Wo89:  Wood, Allen, ‘The Immortality [sic; should read ‘Immorality’] of Moral Faith’ (FS89:II/2.417-37).

Wo91:  Wood, Allen W., ‘Kant’s Deism’ (RW91:1-21).

Wo92:  Wood, Allen W., ‘Rational Theology, Moral Faith, and Religion’ (Gu92b:394-416).

Wo96:  Wood, Allen W., ‘Translator’s Introduction’ to Kt67 (CE 331).

Yo68:    Yovel, Yirmiahu, ‘The God of Kant’, Scripta Hierosolymitana 20 (1968), pp.88-123.

Yo80:    Yovel, Yirmiahu, Kant and the Philosophy of History (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980).

Yo73:    Yovel, Yirmiyahu, ‘Bible Interpretation as Philosophical Praxis: A Study of Spinoza and Kant’, Journal of the History of Philosophy 11 (1973), pp.189-212.

Yo89:    Yovel, Yirmiyahu, ‘Spinoza and Kant: Critique of Religion and Biblical Hermeneu­tics’, in Spinoza and Other Heretics (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989), pp.3-26.

Zw67:   Zweig, Arnulf, Kant: Philosophical Corres­pondence 1759-99, tr. and ed. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1967).


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