Publishing Agreement Options

Publishing Agreement Options

Philopsychy Press has not yet assisted any authors other than Stephen Palmquist in self-publishing their books. If and when such opportunities arise, one of the following agreements (or a variation thereof) will probably form the basis of the agreement between Philopsychy Press and the author.

1. Standard plan: PPP prints the book, charging about 10% above cost for handling, and ships all but seven copies to you (COD). Author does all marketing. PPP provides minimal assistance, mainly through documents on this web site and by sharing mailing lists when relevant. PPP keeps two copies and sends five to the Hong Kong Book Registration Dept.

2. Full publisher option: PPP both prints and markets the book, like a conventional publisher, without charging any fee and offering a graduated royalty topping out at 10% of total profits. Only available for well-established scholars and reprints of classical works.

3. Variation of standard plan: PPP prints the book and does a more active marketing job. Author pays printing costs only, with a check made out to the printer (delivered by PPP), and receives 90% of the books printed. The remaining 10% PPP sells to cover costs. When these are sold out, remaining orders are forwarded to the author.

4. Variation of full publisher option: PPP both prints and markets the book, like a conventional publisher, without charging any fee; but in place of royalties the author receives 10% of the initial printing (with the option to preorder more copies at 50% off list price), and agrees to do some of the marketing and selling. (Plan described in BM, p.194.)

This list does not commit Philopsychy Press to allow authors to choose whichever option they prefer, but merely represents some possible starting-points for negotiation.

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This page last updated on 20 February 1996

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