PPP Examination/Review Copy Policy

If you wish to publish a review of any Philopsychy Press book, or if you are seriously considering it as a textbook for a class you teach, you may request a free copy by sending us an e-mail message with the relevant information, as described below. When you do this, you are agreeing to abide by the following policy:

For Examination Copies

1. When ordering a free examination copy of a Philopsychy Press book you must state the name of the class for which you are considering using the book as a text, as well as the approximate number of students you expect to attend the class. If your request is approved, we will send a copy of the book to you within a few days of receiving this information. We ask that you notify us of your decision (see items 2-4, below) prior to the beginning of the next semester, or within three months.

2. If you decide to adopt the book as a text for your students, you may keep the examination copy free of charge. Student copies may be obtained at a 25% discount (for 10 or more), assuming the order is prepaid and shipped in the most inexpensive way available. These may be sent either to you or to a designated bookstore and may be sold either at the discount price or at the list price, according to your preference.

3. If you decide not to adopt the book as a text, you may still keep the book free of charge, provided you either (a) send us a brief, *positive* comment about the book, which you will allow us to quote in any promotional literature, or (b) send us a critique of the book (as detailed as possible), explaining why you do not think it is a suitable text.

4. If you decide not to adopt the book as a text and do not wish to send us any comments, then you may either (a) return the book in good condition within three months, or (b) pay for the book at the standard price.

For Review Copies

1. When ordering a free review copy of a Philopsychy Press book you must state the name of the publication(s) for which you are planning to write the review, as well as the approximate length you expect the review will be. If your request is approved, we will send a copy of the book to you within a few days of receiving this information. We ask that you send us a copy of your review by e-mail within three months of receiving the book, as well as sending a printed copy by conventional mail, once it is published.

2. If you write a review and submit it for publication, but it is not accepted, you may still keep the book free of charge, provided you send us a copy of the review and allow us to quote from it. Please also send by post a copy of the rejection letter and be willing to consider any advice we may give about resubmitting the review elsewhere.

3. If, after receiving the book, you decide not to write a review, then you may either (a) return the book in good condition within three months, or (b) pay for the book at the standard price.

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This page was last updated on 5 October 1997

Send comments to: ppp@net1.hkbu.edu.hk