Retreat Facilities


I. The Yurt


Soon I plan to make this into a separate page showing the whole process of constructing the yurt. However, at the moment, I have only one photo available, which shows a retreat meeting in progress inside the yurt. The participants are discussing Kant’s essay, Perpetual Peace, during a one-day retreat held in December of 2001 on the topic “Perpetuating Peace in the Face of Terror”.



The yurt is a 16-foot diameter circular tent-like structure, located in a remote setting near one of the lower (south-west) corners of the property. It is about a 5 minute walk down a winding dirt road from the main house and about a 10 minute walk back up to the house. A forest walk is being constructed that will make this walk both shorter and quicker.


II. The Main House


Clicking on the title of this section will take you to the original “photo tour” page, which mostly shows select views of and from the house when it was in the final stages of construction but not yet furnished. A page of photos taken inside the house by one of the participants of the first retreat (held in January of 2001 on the topic “Understanding Nietzsche—Halfway”) can be found on another web site by clicking here. You’ll also see the house in various other sections of this photo tour, especially in Part III.


III. The Yard Surrounding the House


The two most attractive features of the yard, in the current stage of development, are the two areas of lawn and the spa. Click on the highlighted words to see photos of each.


IV. New Construction Projects


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