Leading University in Asia Leading University in Asia

1.  A Leading University in Asia

  • nurture graduates to become inspired, confident, professional and ethical leaders;
  • forge partnerships with leading universities in Asia to foster academic excellence; and
  • develop and promote Chinese and Asian values, philosophies, knowledge, cultures and heritage in the context of local, national, regional and global knowledge networks.
For the World For the World

2.  For the World

  • empower students, staff and alumni to be servant leaders and worthy ambassadors to the world;
  • widen cross-cultural understanding through multi- and transdisciplinary research and contribute to world debates on issues of contemporary significance; and
  • build communities and partnerships locally, nationally and internationally that serve as catalysts and platforms to imagine new solutions and respond to global challenges.
Delivering Academic Excellence Delivering Academic Excellence

3.  Delivering Academic Excellence

  • develop research-enriched and externally oriented curricula where diverse communities of learners work in world-class facilities and engage openly across academic, professional, age and cultural backgrounds;
  • invest in research capacity and strength, and achieve deep international and national alliances and partnerships;
  • promote the idea of “one University, two campuses”, which mutually benefits the teaching, learning and research activities at HKBU and Beijing Normal University – Hong Kong Baptist University United International College (BNU-HKBU UIC); and 
  • build an HKBU ecosystem, composed of HKBU, the School of Continuing Education of HKBU, and BNU-HKBU UIC, nurturing researchers and practitioners in Hong Kong, the Mainland and overseas.
Caring Culture Caring Culture

4.  A Caring Culture

  • seek to better the world through preparing graduates whose studies have been grounded in community connectedness and whose dedication is to serve Hong Kong and beyond;
  • facilitate discovery and knowledge creation and transfer through technology development, community engagement and public service;
  • enculturate a learning and research culture that anchors itself in global relevance, ethical awareness and the common good of humankind;
  • take care of students’ academic and personal needs through personalised advisory and mentoring systems and close staff-student relationships;
  • maintain close relationships with alumni; and
  • attend to the development, welfare and well-being of the members of  the HKBU community.
Creative Culture Creative Culture

5.  A Creative Culture

  • nurture students’ whole person development to realise their creative potential, build intellectual confidence and develop fulfilling professional and personal lives;
  • identify and invest in creative media and cultural economies as a research focus; and
  • take a proactive approach to managing risk and rewarding innovation.
Global Culture Global Culture

6.  A Global Culture

  • enhance the intercultural competencies and global perspectives of students through campus internationalisation and encouraging exchange and foreign placement;
  • work in open, transparent and cross-cultural ways by adopting the best-practice approaches to talent recruitment and development, governance and sustainable academic growth; and
  • nurture future-ready students via transdisciplinary education and research, embrace technology and implement sustainability practices.