Donation from Fong Shu Fook Tong Foundation and Fong’s Family Foundation to support diabetes projects

Monday, 2 December 2024


Mr David Fong Man-hung has generously donated HK$1 million to HKBU to support the diabetes projects of the School of Chinese Medicine. Mr David Fong Man-hung has generously donated HK$1 million to HKBU to support the diabetes projects of the School of Chinese Medicine.
Mr David Fong Man-hung has generously donated HK$1 million to HKBU to support the diabetes projects of the School of Chinese Medicine.


Mr David Fong Man-hung, Chairman of the Fong Shu Fook Tong Foundation and the Fong’s Family Foundation (the Foundations), has generously donated HK$1 million to HKBU, in support of the School of Chinese Medicine’s research initiative to develop clinical guidelines for integrative Chinese-Western medicine for diabetes and to conduct a pre-diabetes screening programme.

The clinical guidelines will provide important references for practitioners of both Chinese and Western medicine, helping to improve the quality of medical services and promote the efficacy of Chinese medicine for diabetes treatment at an international level. The pre-diabetes screening programme will identify people with elevated blood sugar levels so that they can receive Chinese medicine treatment, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of diabetes treatment and disease prevention.

Since the 1980s, the Fong’s family has made significant contributions to the University’s development through various initiatives through the Foundations, including the construction of the Fong Shu Chuen Library and the David C. Lam Building, and the support for the School of Chinese Medicine’s research projects and initiatives, such as the Clinical Study and Application of the Acupuncture Treatment for Children with Autism, the Chinese Medicinal Material Images Database, and the distribution of free Chinese medicine influenza prevention remedies to the elderly. The Fong’s Family Foundation has pledged to support HKBU in its role as the contractor for the service deed of the Chinese Medicine Hospital of Hong Kong.